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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“I am impressed by your newspaper…I am from Lebanon. And I wish that we had the same attitude as yours in our country. We would like to talk to you more about ICWP and how we can form it here for communism.”
Letters like these show how the fight to mobilize masses for communism is spreading around the world. They show that Red Flag speaks to the needs and aspirations of the masses
In Red Flag we hear the voices of comrade workers, students and soldiers. They are struggling across continents, teaching and learning from each other from India to South Africa to El Salvador and beyond. A worldwide conversation is opening up about what communism is and will be – and how to write about it.
We want to hear your voice in this conversation.
Our fight – to build communism directly on the rubble of capitalism — hasn’t been tried before. There is no blueprint. The masses, organized through Red Flag and the International Communist Workers’ Party, will figure it out collectively.
Lenin: Communist Newspaper as Collective Organizer
“A newspaper is what we most of all need,” wrote Lenin in 1901. He called for an “all-Russian” newspaper but Red Flag is a paper for the masses worldwide.
Such a newspaper, Lenin said, would gather around it “a regular army of trained fighters” and prepare for armed insurrection. “With the aid of the newspaper, and through it,” he continued, “a permanent organisation will naturally take shape that will … train its members to follow political events carefully, appraise their significance … and develop effective means for the revolutionary party to influence these events.”
Writing for the paper and distributing it regularly “will necessitate a network of local agents of the united party, who will maintain constant contact with one another, know the general state of affairs, get accustomed to performing regularly their detailed functions… and test their strength.”
Lenin said that “this work will train and bring into the foreground, not only the most skillful propagandists, but the most capable organisers, the most talented political party leaders capable, at the right moment, of releasing the slogan for the decisive struggle and of taking the lead in that struggle.”
Our party understands that we don’t need only the “most skillful,” “most capable,” or “most talented.” We need EVERYONE who is willing to contribute to the communist cause. We want you to join a mass communist party.
Every reader can help. Many already do, but more are needed! Write a letter or make a suggestion. Send information or an article, photograph or drawing.
Download and print an article. Distribute it to people you know – or massively. Get a bundle of papers to distribute. Contribute and collect funds to support our expanding network.
Most important, masses – not just a few — must learn to think critically. Masses must help develop the communist political line, grasp the historical process and collectively shape the future!
Red Flag Must Inspire Us with a Communist Vision
This paper needs different kinds of articles. All should contribute to our understanding of communism and how to mobilize masses to fight for it.
We must continue to denounce capitalism, but that’s not enough. We must show, as best we can, how communism will eliminate the horrors of capitalism and solve the problems it has created. This is especially important when we write about class struggles that involve our comrades and friends.
An example would be the mass student protests in India. The letters on p. 15 show how new comrades and friends are bringing Red Flag into this struggle. We must better guarantee that the articles their friends read carefully make the case for communism.
We must strive to clarify communism but we must also elucidate how to get there. As one comrade put it, we can’t just describe communism as a beautiful mountain without mentioning the tumultuous rivers or thorny valleys we’ll have to cross to get there.
So we must talk about organizing political strikes for communism. We must learn about the histories of armed insurrections and the importance of building a communist political base among rank-and-file soldiers and sailors. Our international party needs to learn from the history of the working class everywhere.
Articles about capitalist political economy should point us toward an understanding of how communism will work.
Analyses of international affairs should show how the development of capitalist imperialism increases the urgency of mobilizing the masses for communism. They should inspire confidence, not fear. They should prepare us to take advantage of opportunities, now and in the future.
Reports on our political work should strive to use dialectical-materialist philosophy to analyze the contradictions and point the way forward. We should write about political disagreements and struggles.
In six short years we have made a good start. Red Flag is fostering the growth of an international communist party. An ICWP member in Bangladesh declared, “When I receive Red Flag, everything seems possible.”
It is! Communism is winnable. Our new comrades are proving it.