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International Communist Workers Party | |
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SOUTH AFRICA--Working as a collective always brings good results. We have seen this in the build up towards the conference in South Africa and the conference itself. Lately, we’ve seen some deviations from this very important principle of working together as a collective with devastating results.
These weaknesses almost did serious damage to our work. Very important decisions would be taken hastily outside of the collective. When one checks for the motivation, one finds the blame game.
Festive season is now long gone, we need to put renewed efforts in building the party, we need to take off from where we left. We are not starting from scratch, we have the base, we only need to tighten those loose ends. We had intense internal struggle recently about strengthening our collective by recognizing everybody’s strengths but at the same time struggling in a comradely way about weaknesses.
Self critically we felt that the success of the conference would propel our work by itself. While there is tremendous enthusiasm and energy in building the party, we neglected to solidity the organizational structure of the leadership collective. We have recognized this and we are determined to correct this. Criticism and self-criticism has made us stronger and given us the confidence in the party and the masses. This struggle clearly shows that within ourselves there is a constant struggle between capitalist ideas of individualism, competition on the one hand and collective communist resolve to build the party. We have come out of this by winning comrades to communist ideas.
Communism is not something in distant future but we see the seeds of communism in how we struggle with each other, how we live and how we strive to overcome capitalist ideology and obstacles as we encounter alcoholism, drug addiction and issues of mental health.
Comrades in one township are doing their bit in distributing the Red Flag. They have not yet put any of their efforts and strides to build the party in writing but rest assured, something good is brewing there. Circles of Red Flag readers are being formed amongst industrial workers, teachers, students, nurses, and other civil servants.
All these readers are open to our ideas. We may not necessarily get to see them but they are always looking forward to the next issue, they are keeping track of all the articles. In no time the township will be painted red.
These are efforts that must be supported and encouraged because they inspire confidence, determination and zeal to continue to work to build the party in particular and the working class in general.
Comrade L is doing tremendous work in East London, where she works. She plans to extend invitations to her recruits to come to May Day celebrations. Our old comrade Tata, wherever he goes, is spreading communist ideas amongst his peers. Our party, ICWP, is always on his lips. To learn about these efforts comrades are doing almost brought us to tears. We dare not fail these gallant fighters. More Red Flags and more comrades joining ICWP is exactly what is happening