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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Capitalism seeks to divide us on racial lines. Portraying black and brown men as monsters or super predators is one tactic they use. There are an increasing number of women in prison too. Capitalism is built atop racism and the privatized prison system is the new chattel slavery.
The US criminal Justice system was birthed during slavery. It still disproportionately affects black and brown individuals. Communities are being destroyed. Instead of funding programs that uplift people, like treatment for substance abuse and education, the funding is directed towards mass incarceration.
Traffic stops are the easiest way for police to snare people of color, who become easy targets for feeding jails (see box). The “war on drugs” encouraged this. Police are trained by the Drug Enforcement Agency, which gives them grants and military equipment. They were taught “drug courier” profiles, which could describe anyone. A person who is “too nervous” or “too comfortable” or “driving poorly” or “driving too well” could be stopped and harassed.
Starting with the Reagan Administration, police departments are allowed to keep for themselves any property seized (money, homes, etc.) whether or not someone is found guilty of drug charges. Most people find it too expensive to fight to retrieve the property, or are afraid.
Many who may not see the inside of a prison are still labeled felons while dealing with probation, parole, or even home monitoring and house arrest. They risk further charges due to the extra restraints placed upon them. Most are poor and have been further disenfranchised by the judicial system. This is the new caste system.
People of color are generally poorer than their white counterparts. Police target them because they do not have the means to fight back. The cops get more money for their departments by busting a lot of poor people than by busting one wealthy white person who has the means to go to trial and win.
Many studies have shown that the “justice” system is racially skewed. But that system insists that it is “color-blind” unless one can prove outright discrimination in an individual case. And courts insist that to prove discrimination one needs info from the prosecutor that the prosecutor is not required to provide.
Media depictions of black people as “criminals” act as another tool to advance this agenda. The laws are supposed to be colorblind but those who enforce them have preconceived ideas and biases from the mass media.
Mass incarceration forcibly commodifies people. Black and brown people were the first targets for filling for-profit prisons. But their white class brothers and sisters are increasingly swept up. The wealth gap of end-game Capitalistic society puts all of us in peril!
Communism will not need to waste human talent and creativity to make profits. All individuals can actualize their true potential.
When money is removed from our society and all basic needs are met, the stress that leads to addiction and deviant behavior will be greatly reduced. Black markets will be eliminated along with poverty. There would be no purpose for corrupt police forces, swat teams and policies that now criminalize humanity to feed the coffers of the bourgeoisies.
Racist Terror at a Traffic Stop
Minnesota police stopped Philando Castile 31 times for minor traffic infractions. They stopped this 32-year-old black worker one last time for a “broken taillight” and killed him with five shots fired at close range into his car.
Imagine a world where every time you step out the front door, you are potentially a target for law enforcement harassment. I see this every day, people of color being stopped for nothing more than being a person of color. I am white and I have never been stopped and searched as I walked down the street, but my latino husband definitely has. The police have even insisted that he must be my drug dealer, not my husband!
Recently we were stopped for expired tags on our car. My husband was driving with my 8-year-old daughter in the front seat. I sat in the back with my infant son. We were all eating French fries. An officer on the passenger side crept up with his gun drawn and his Kevlar jacket over his uniform. Another officer on the driver side noticed me in the back seat. His eyes wide, the officer told my husband, “I’m sorry sir, I don’t want you to think I am racially profiling you, I just didn’t see your family in the car.” He repeated this and apologized repeatedly. They let us go without even a warning. But my husband was terrified to see the gun drawn for a simple traffic stop
—Reader in Los Angeles, USA