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International Communist Workers Party

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Discussion with a garment worker:

Communism Values the Contributions of All Workers


"I don't think communism will work," said a garment worker at Atomic Denim to a Red Flag distributor.
"Why not?" asked the Red Flag comrade. "Because all leaders sell out. They end up living well and exploiting the people," answered the worker.
"Honesty is not the determining factor. Honesty is important, but more important is the political line of the leaders and of the movement. There are many leaders who never sold out and yet their struggle didn't lead to the liberation of the working class. "For example, Emiliano Zapata, a Mexican revolutionary, never sold out. That's why they killed him. But the slogan of his revolution was only 'Land to the tiller.' Land reform was carried out and today the Mexican farmworkers have no land. The land is again in the hands of the big Mexican capitalists," said the comrade. "It's true," said the worker. "The rich always end up winning."
"Yes, because the Mexican revolution and many other revolutions did not put an end to capitalism and the capitalists. Communism, however, will put an end to both."
"But, then what happened in Russia, China and Cuba?"
"They didn't put an end to capitalism there either. The communists fought for socialism, which is State capitalism. Socialism maintained money, banks, wages and wage differences. Not long after the Soviet revolution, the industrial worker was paid more than the farmworker, the professionals more than the workers and the communist leaders more than everyone. In the long run, the communists became capitalists.
"That's why communist revolution will eliminate money. Money corrupts anyone. Without money nobody can be rich and no one can be corrupted. We will all contribute to society according to our commitment and abilities, and we will receive according to our needs."

No One Will Be Better Than Anyone Else
"I don't agree with that. I don't think that it is fair that someone who studied should receive the same or less than someone who did not want to study," commented the garment worker. "I think that the professionals also won't like it." "In capitalism, the bosses tell us that the farmworkers and industrial workers are not worth anything because we have not studied.
However, the opposite is true. We are indispensable for society and many professionals are not. If tomorrow all the farmworkers disappeared, all of humanity would suffer greatly because who would produce the food? Millions would die of hunger.
"What use are the engineer's and architect's plans if the construction worker is not there to lay the foundations?
"Who builds the houses, roads, bridges, and buildings? The construction workers. However, who gets all the credit? The engineers and architects. "Who is more useful: a garment worker or a famous fashion designer? Their designs are useless if there are no garment workers to sew them. In the winter, in cold climates, you freeze if you don't have a good coat. Who makes the coats? Garment workers like you.
"In communism, no one will be better than anyone. We will treat each other with all the respect, dignity, and appreciation that we deserve." "Yes, you are right about much that you say, but…"
The garment worker was thinking hard about it, but he could not continue the conversation because it was time to go in to work.

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