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International Communist Workers Party

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We'll Liberate Ourselves Through Communist Revolution, Not Elections


Honduras: Election Circus Strengthens Capitalism-Imperialism

The electoral circus in Honduras has ended as usual in a bourgeois state. Many millions of dollars were spent in this poor and underdeveloped country. The slogans were the same: promises to solve all of society's problems. But the only thing that moves the politicians is seeing how they can take advantage of this farce to help their personal interests, and those of the national and foreign oligarchy, which funds their electoral campaigns.
This process has concluded with sorrow, not glory, for the immense majority, especially the working class, which returns to the calamitous reality of more people unemployed, health centers and public hospitals without medicine, many schools without desks or enough teachers, and the highest rate of violent deaths in the world (86 for every 100,000 inhabitants annually). Corruption is growing while 40% of the population lives on less than a dollar a day.

Electoral farce: bosses' weapon to stop revolutionary struggle
The current crisis that plagues worldwide capitalism-imperialism has plunged Honduras into an unprecedented political, economic, social and security crisis. Neither elections nor "21st Century socialism" will improve the life of the working class. These are only a mockery and farce invented by capitalism to divert or stop the true revolutionary struggles that will prepare the working class to fight to free itself from the exploiters' yoke once and for all.
Xiomara Castro ran as the candidate of the recently founded Party of Liberty and Re-Foundation (LIBRE). She is the wife of the ex- President, who was overthrown in a military coup planned and supported by the national bourgeoisie and the US empire. Despite massive support from many organized groups of city workers, farmworkers, and pseudo-revolutionaries, she lost the election. As expected, the forces of the ultra-right were not going to allow their power to be taken away easily.
The LIBRE Party, in its eagerness to come to power and implement "21st century socialism" through a "re-founding" of the bourgeois state, promised reforms that clearly were in no way quantitative, much less qualitative, changes to transform society. Instead, their plan is an accommodation to a new class of exploiters. All government structures exist to serve the national and international bourgeoisie.
The reality of Venezuela shows that this socialism has already failed. Not even the most basic needs of the masses, like food and security, have been met. The ultraright in Honduras cynically used this fact to help defeat Xiomara Castro.

Proletarian revolution:the only way to end savage capitalism
There is no doubt that it is not through bourgeois democratic processes that the working class will liberate ourselves forever from the calamities created by capitalism. Only a proletarian revolution led by a communist party will guarantee the taking of real power and control for the benefit of the masses.
While bourgeois democracy is enthroned in power to safeguard the interests of the capitalist system, proletarian revolution advocates for the decisive struggle against capitalism, bringing the masses of the population into the direct struggle for communism, that is, without passing through socialism. We have learned from the errors committed in the processes of struggle, in the Soviet Union, China and other countries, that we must fight directly for communism.

El Salvador: All Electoral Parties Serve Capitalism

The February Presidential elections are getting closer, and media campaigns are the daily bread. This is the time that electoral political parties like ARENA and the fmln make their best-sounding empty promises that hold no future for the masses. They claim that "change in the system" means fighting for shares of power inside the capitalist system. They try to make people believe that making a revolution means setting up stands to sell products at a populist event, rather than uniting revolutionary theory and practice in the struggle against the system.
Now it is clear that for the leadership of the fmln to be "Left" means being a revolutionary of the free market instead of fighting to sharpen class antagonisms as we do in the International Communist Workers' Party, ICWP. The fmln promotes private enterprises with "social purpose" like ALBA Oil. These are the people who want to privatize the class struggle; they want to manage our hunger for a humane world. The only way to achieve this ideal world for the working class is organizing in a communist party, the ICWP.
The recent presidential election in Honduras resulted in victory for the national party, with obvious signs of fraud against the LIBRE Party (Party of Liberty and Refoundation) which is also a capitalist party. But the greater problem of fraud is that elections are a tool of the capitalist system, their way of pacifying the masses, of making us believe that we are participating in a democracy, that we are listened to. No, comrades and friends, this is not the case. One positive piece of news from these elections is that each time fewer people from our class participate in choosing the henchmen and administrators of the capitalist system.

There are no pacifist revolutionaries.
The fmln talks about peace and nonviolence as if it could be the road to a communist world. We have the example close at hand of Allende of Chile who, in search of a "pacifist revolution," ushered in the dictatorship of Pinochet, by chilling the masses' high spirits and their drive for an armed revolution. All the tools and institutions of the capitalist states function to protect the capitalist system.
In the light of these developments, organizing for communism through the ICWP and Red Flag newspaper is the only road for the proletariat, the only solution to the reality that we are surviving. Those who make revolutions are not the electoral political parties, but the workers, the masses, you and me.

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