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International Communist Workers Party

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Red Flag newspaper

Article Series from Red Flag

Communist Dialectics


Even Militant Reformism Won’t End Racism:

ICWP Youth Bring Communism To MLK Parade


Ever since Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday became a holiday, the ruling class and its politicians have used it to promote their agenda of pacifism and patriotism. However, the current capitalist crisis has forced the repressive organs of the capitalist state, like the police, to unleash terror and violence on the whole working class, but more specifically on the black working class. Racist  police murders have multiplied.
The masses have responded in anger and frustration, as events in Ferguson and around the US have demonstrated. Many activists, like those led by the coalition Black Lives Matter have made calls and taken direct, militant action to “reclaim Martin Luther King’s birthday.” All over the US, many have taken dissident actions. In St. Louis, a group of protesters rushed the stage of a prayer service. One of the protesters took control of the microphone and yelled, “St. Louis P.D., KKK, how many kids have you killed today?”  In several cities demonstrators staged “die-ins.” In Atlanta protesters announced that they “will not allow those that actively subject us to an oppressive lifestyle to lead the parade or be in the parade.” Even if militant, these groups are still reformist. They do not attack capitalism, the root of racism, or identify a solution.

In contrast, a group of youth comrades friends, and family members who are part of ICWP went to the MLK parade with a banner that said, “MOBILIZE THE MASSES FOR COMMUNISM, MOVILIZAR LAS MASAS PARA EL COMUNISMO.” While some of us held the banner, others distributed Red Flag.  From the start of the parade, many people took the newspaper, and as the parade progressed, more and more people began to ask for it. As we marched with the banner we yelled out chants like, “The Only Solution is Communist Revolution!” “Asian, Latin, Black, Arab, White, to Stop Killer Cops we Must Unite!” and “The Workers United Will Never be Defeated! ¡Obreros Unidos Jamás Serán Vencidos!” Various people took pictures of the banner.
Different folks said things like, “Those are my homies!” “God bless those people!” “I agree with that!” and “Power to the people!” There were people who asked about communism, like how it would work, and if we would be able to solve our problems. “In every sphere of human activity, whether it is agriculture, factory production, or making clothing or producing culture, we will act collectively in all of the decision and execution aspects. Everyone will contribute what they can or however they can in the process. Everyone will receive what they need,” a comrade responded.

Like at any other event we attend, there were some people who didn’t agree with our communist politics.  Often , those who don’t agree or don’t understand are people who don’t have enough information or the right information. All in all, we distributed close to a thousand Red Flag newspapers. Our participation in the parade was a success. For the next event we attend, we hope to have more people help out and support us.
“I can see that MLK’s dream has not been realized,” said a high school student in a classroom discussion. “This is like déjà vu,” said another student. “I mean like all the protests, marches and riots in the 60s.  It’s like here we go again.” We can’t go down the same reformist road again. Racism and police terror will never be eliminated until we end capitalism with communist revolution.

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