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International Communist Workers Party

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Letters to Red Flag

This is the paper of the working class. We get no funding from the capitalists, their foundations or NGOs. Please give generously to help pay for the costs of production and distribution.

"Workers in South Africa are ready and eager to join our party, the ICWP."

The working class is patiently waiting to be shown the right direction. I have made contacts with a number of my acquaintances who are waiting for the next step. I'm going around meeting comrades telling them about the prospects of building the International Communist Workers' Party where we are. We see protests everywhere, even where I stay the mayor was chased away by protesters as he was trying to address the masses. People in general are disillusioned by the current administration run by the bourgeois nationalist-African National Congress alliance. So the ground is fertile where I stay to recruit members to join our party, the ICWP.
As soon as I get the Red Flag pamphlets I will hit the ground running. The working class in this country has been misled for more than a century but there are pockets of enlightenment everywhere. These are what I will target to spread the message. Development by its nature is uneven. My task therefore would be to take the ideas to the remotest areas where lordism is still rife. But as I say I am comfortable with my ability to recruit members for our party, ICWP.

--Comrade in South Africa

Distributing Red Flag at MTA

As we were distributing Red Flag outside a transit division last week, some workers were discussing a possible strike. One worker said to his friends, "They will try to turn the public against us. The media will say we're selfish and greedy."
A Red Flag distributor said, "Yeah, the bosses will use their media to say that, but what if transit workers had the slogan 'Transportation for workers' need, not for profit?'"
One of the workers said, "That would be different. Then they would see that we're on the same side. I would carry that slogan on a sign."
"That would be part of a political strike against capitalism and for communism,"said the Red Flag distributor.
Another worker at another division said, "Well if the union would organize around that slogan, that would be much better." "The union won't organize around that slogan," said the comrade, "but Red Flag readers can mobilize the workers to strike for that slogan and others, like abolish wage slavery. "Sounds interesting, but let's see what happens," said the operator.
As workers talk about the possibility of a strike, they are questioning the old trade union politics and tactics and are looking at the revolutionary communist alternative that only Red Flag offers. Transportation and production will meet human needs when we build communism. The bosses' media will work overtime to try to pit transit workers against the workers and youth who depend on the buses. By calling on the whole working class to fight for a system that meets our needs and not the bosses' profits, workers can mobilize to unite all these sectors of society against capitalism and for communism—it's an exciting prospect!
Other slogans MTA workers could consider are: "Soldiers, join our class war, not the bosses' war!" "Nothing bought, nothing sold; sharing is our goal." "A classless world will be a borderless world!" What slogans do readers suggest?
We invite transit workers and other friends and Red Flag readers to march with us on May Day carrying these and other slogans calling on their fellow workers to support a political strike against capitalism.

--Red Flag Distributors


At L.A. transit, the Union General Committee and company are going around the locals trying to make the membership feel good about the representation. They dress in three piece suits and want to look professionals but they are just puppets who are not allowed to say anything, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. The status quo is written all over. It is a one-man show. Vic, the buffoon is the one delivering pathetic speeches. The buffoon can run circles around a used car salesman, he is that good. You'll feel glad that he pretends to be on your side. However, if you listen to him closely, you will hear that he sides with management, even on main issues, what a shame!
Yes, the Union supposes to be one of the last democratic establishments, but we are in a dictatorship environment. Management says and Union Officials agree without considering the membership. If you really sit and review the concessions that our Union leaders have given up in the last few contract negotiations, you will easily realize that our "fearless" leaders are not working for us!
At recent meetings, members pleaded for help, any help. The answers by Vic, the buffoon, to all the requests were "we will try, we will try"
UNION: An organization formed for the purpose of serving the members' interests. The politics and self-centered interests of our leaders are killing us. Yes, no one wants a strike but there are issues that merit it, especially for future negotiations. It is in MTA's best interest for us to go on strike for the first month because of how the finances are structured.
Last contract proposal was a bait and switch. Often, they do not disclose all the issues and we find out too late to be able to do much about the sell-out. The system has us segregated. If the issues that you care the most are not fixed, then do not agree with the proposal.
As an issue of negotiation, (since management does not want to negotiate in good faith) we should request 40 hours per week of pay for as long as they force us into a strike. If management knows that we are ready and willing to fight, then there will be no strike. However, if we are forced into a strike, we should under no circumstance sign any agreement until we get job security, 23 and out with medical and no tiers.
It is time; the rank and file must establish a firm stand, we are sick and tired of abuses from Management and Union leaders. Elections are coming up! Window of opportunity, Decertification!

--MTA driver

Red Flag comments:
We thank this driver for his very informative letter. However, we respectfully disagree with his conclusions.

First Article