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International Communist Workers Party

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El Salvador:

Organizing for a Communist May Day


EL SALVADOR  — A beautiful Sunday morning of communist discussion at the beach was very gratifying for a group of men and women factory workers and their families.

The agenda contained three points. It began with an analysis of the editorial in Red Flag. A young woman leader was responsible for beginning the discussion about the situation in the Ukraine and how this affects, or does not affect, the working class in El Salvador.

The second point was a discussion of the elections carried out in February and March of this year and the role of each comrade in them. The discussion ended by planning the internationalist activity of celebrating May Day this year.

A comrade who had not been participating very actively was designated to lead the discussion about inter-imperialist rivalry based on the editorial in Red Flag and her return was very encouraging. Everyone commented about how the fights between the imperialists affect workers everywhere and that these fights never have the goal of helping the working class but instead are about how to exploit us.

Most workers participated in the Presidential election, but one of them said, "It is a process that little by little we are getting out of. Before we didn't know much about communism; now we do."  All those present gave their opinions, and an analysis was given about how elections are a fight among old bosses and new bosses, and that the working class gets nothing in these bosses' fights.

A worker comrade who participated for the first time was very energetic in her participation and made the commitment to carry out the struggle for communism, organized in the International Communist Workers' Party. "I agree with the comrade who said that she believes in criticism and self criticism as the way to carry forward the struggle for communism,"  stated the new comrade.

Two young workers also took the enormous step of joining ICWP. It was their second time participating in a meeting and they said they are ready to continue in the revolutionary struggle and that they feel very proud to be part of this process of organization. One of these is a young woman who brought her child with her; the other comrade brought his wife and children with him.

 "I don't think that we will march on May Day with the union. We want to march where we are most useful to the party," one of the workers' leaders said forcefully. They asked how we thought our participation would have the biggest impact as the only communist party in the march. There were many ideas, including how  the youth could distribute our communist literature.

Finishing with these topics, a comrade asked, "And what will the comrades think who live far from here?"  This started a lively discussion about what it means to have an international party.

Referring ironically to the last electoral struggle when it was said that  in this country people would not be able to eat chicken, because supposedly in Venezuela there aren't any chickens for sale, a comrade brought chicken and others brought rice, pork rinds, sodas and bread to end the gathering with the group of members of ICWP and their families, eating sumptuously and smiling, overlooking the waves of the mighty Pacific Ocean.

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