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International Communist Workers Party

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The Only Proletarian Option: Communist Revolution


EL SALVADOR—"Even though the FMLN has won the Presidential elections and we are a little bit pleased, what we workers need is a communist revolution, which will represent all of us,"  said a sweatshop worker.

"As workers, we realize that there is a difference between reforms and revolution, and that we in ICWP must fight for communist revolution," commented another.

On March 9, the second round of the Presidential election was held, electing the FMLN candidate, Salvador Sánchez Cerén.

"We call for a dialogue with the major companies of this country," said Sánchez Ceren. What does this mean for the working class? The continuation of the capitalist system and its rotten system. Exploitation will continue destroying the lives of millions of workers.

"The school uniforms, shoes, school supplies and milk that they give to my children are a great help that we would never have received with the ARENA government," said a worker.

The few crumbs that the FMLN government has given to the children of the working class are an insult. We, who create everything of value in society, deserve much more than this. We deserve EVERYTHING, with  nothing for the capitalists. We must understand that the FMLN does not represent the working class. In fact, the leaders of this party are big businessmen.

It shouldn't surprise us that US imperialism, through its Secretary of State John Kerry, has congratulated Sánchez Cerén on his electoral victory, nor that the critics of this party, Salvadoran capitalists, who in past campaigns accused the FMLN of being a "socialist" or "communist" party, now defend them. This doesn't mean that these critics are pro-worker, but that the FMLN is becoming more and more pro-capitalist.

 "Revolution or death, we will win!" This slogan in the FMLN party anthem no longer has any credibility when it comes from the leadership. The electoral discourse is very far from this slogan, for which thousands of women and men workers organized and gave their lives many years ago.

Although this day thousands celebrated the electoral victory of this party, it will very soon continue with reforms that only serve to continue administrating the capitalist system.

Even an evangelical preacher said in a television interview, "Why fear the FMLN? They are not a party of the left. Now they are businessmen. They have tasted capitalism's benefits."

And it's true. In spite of the fact that they keep selling themselves as a proletarian option,  in reality, a party leader said openly on television, "We are not Marxists; we are not Leninists; we are not communists."

Many members of the working class in this country and in others still keep a faint hope that reform groups like the FMLN, the followers of Hugo Chávez, and the Sandinistas will help the working class move forward. It is a no-holds-barred struggle between capitalist reform and communist revolution.

We must seize this moment, going out more to the streets and the factories to expose reality, to take the mask off charity, and make it clear that it is not enough to pacify us with miserable solutions; we're done with bread and circuses.

Our struggle must be for a real communist revolution, where workers have state power to create a society without money or exploitation, and where EVERYTHING will be to satisfy the needs of the working class. Help us to raise the workers' flag, the red flag of ICWP.

 It is time to look for and meet with more potential communists. We are and continue to be the open secret of humanity. Join us in this struggle to organize communist revolution through Red Flag.

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