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International Communist Workers Party

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South Africa: Meeting Signals Growth of ICWP

El Salvador: Communist Revolution, Not Reform!

Mexico: Millions of Communist Workers Will Ensure Victory

MTA Workers Need Communist Political Strike

The Tyranny Of Wages

May Day Dinner: Struggle For Communist Industrial Collectives

Garment Workers Take Red Flag to Sweatshops

There's No Such Thing as a Fair Workday

One World: No Bosses, Nations, Borders or Racism

Red Soldier Sends Greetings

Imperialist Powers Preparing for World War

Letters to RED FLAG

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Communist Dialectics

O Brasil: Trabalhadores não precisa da Copa do Mundo!

Articles en Français

النضال من أجل الشيوعية



As we celebrate the fifth May Day of the International Communist Workers' Party, our industrial worker comrades in South Africa are showing the urgency and possibility of mobilizing the masses for communism.

"Our comrades have grasped our correct political line with ease, which I found amazing," one wrote. "We will stop at nothing to mobilize masses for communism using the Red Flag as a tool." Amazing!

A bus driver in South Africa organized a street meeting in her neighborhood the day after she met our Party. Hundreds of Los Angeles MTA bus drivers, mechanics and service attendants are seriously reading Red Flag.

Women and men workers are reading Red Flag and enthusiastically building our Party in the maquilas of El Salvador and the garment shops of Los Angeles. Our long-term work in Seattle is bearing fruit among Boeing workers and others. Our young soldiers are building our Red Army in the bosses' armed forces. New young Party leaders are stepping forward in Mexico and Honduras.

It is telling that ICWP is growing in South Africa and El Salvador, where masses of workers fought for the vision of a communist world but were betrayed by false "communist" leaders. This shows that ICWP is winning many workers to have confidence that workers and soldiers can fight for and win a communist world. They see ICWP as the means to achieve this goal.

We shouldn't really be amazed, because communist values reflect the highest aspirations of the masses everywhere: cooperation, collectivity, solidarity, selflessness, sharing.

Communist principles reflect the way our "better selves" want to live, and the way we do live as best we can even in this racist hell-hole of capitalist society:

---No one goes without while others have plenty.

---Value everyone's contributions, meet everyone's needs.

---Unite head and hand: end the division between "mental" and "manual" labor.  Head, hand, and heart:  working not for wages but for the common good.

Communist society will eliminate money and bosses.  This will destroy the material basis of racism and sexism, of nations and borders.

Communist society will have meaningful work, dignity and respect for all.  The material basis of society will support and develop our fullest humanity.

The laws of capitalist development reveal the urgent need for communism. These laws force capitalists to squeeze the maximum profits from our labor by paying us as little as possible to work harder than possible. Under capitalism, the impoverishment of the working class is irreversible. Our fight is to eliminate wage slavery. 

Capitalism's laws have created a global crisis of overproduction.  A billion of us are hungry and a million children starve each year while at least one-third of the food we produce is destroyed. Fossil fuel, the lifeblood of capitalism's industry and military, is the main contributor to catastrophic climate change. In drought-stricken Ethiopia and Somalia our sisters and brothers die of famine, while in Asian coastal villages and island nations they are flooded out of their homes forever. 

Communism's production for use value — for human need — will eliminate capitalism's reckless production for exchange value. Capitalists organize production only to increase their wealth, while polluting and ravaging the world, endangering our present and our future.

Capitalism's laws inevitably force bosses to defend or extend their profit-hungry global empires with ever-widening wars. Their "peace" and "diplomacy" camouflage their preparation for world war. 

Masses of courageous workers are on the move against the ravages of capitalism. Workers, soldiers and youth must refuse to be cannon-fodder, "collateral damage," or killers of our class brothers and sisters. Our fight is turn the guns around for communist revolution.

Our fight is to show that a new way is possible by building a mass revolutionary International Communist Workers' Party that constantly enlarges and enriches our understanding of how a communist society will be.

We must develop more and better communists, emerging leaders increasingly capable of mobilizing the masses for communism and able to use the communist philosophy of dialectical materialism to help develop the Party's line and work.

Communist rule depends on YOU…...spreading Red Flag and organizing masses of workers into the Party, to mobilize even greater numbers to act on communist ideas before, during, and after the seizure of power.

Often we don't feel that we know enough to start mobilizing for communism.  None of us knows enough, and all of us know enough. 

We learn through practice, especially from mistakes. We learn collectively.  That's why we invite you all to join the International Communist Workers' Party. 

Join with your doubts, criticisms, questions and ideas. Join with your family and friends, with your head, hands and heart. Join in building the amazing communist world that the masses worldwide want and need! 

Mobilize the Masses for Communism on May Day

From South Africa to El Salvador, from Spain to Brazil, from the U.S. to Mexico, from Honduras to Bangladesh

Fight for a world with collectivity, solidarity and sharing, without wage slavery, bosses, borders or money

March with ICWP on May First, International Workers' Day, for a Communist World!

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Write for the Newspaper of the Working Class and Support it Financially!

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