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International Communist Workers Party

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Mexico: To Abolish Wages!


MEXICO, May Day, 2014— Why do we have to work for a boss? Since when has it been like this? How did slavery end? How did feudal serfdom end? Do you know that there was a caste war in Mexico and other countries?

What has distinguished one society divided into social classes from another is who gets the value produced above the remuneration to the worker: the slave master, the feudal lord, or the capitalist.

The Communists originated the May Day marches. In 1886 in the world's major cities the working class paraded demanding an 8-hour work day. Eventually this was achieved. However, the goal of the communists was and is: abolish the wage system, the right of the capitalists to use our labor power in exchange for a wage. We produce more than that and this creates their wealth.

We fight for a society where, freely associated, we produce what humanity needs, not what the bosses need. Products won't be bought or sold, so money will not be needed. The buying and selling of products is for the market. We communists are for the disappearance of the market economy, for the disappearance of the exploitation of the workers by the capitalists.

Capitalism leads to wars for profits

The evils suffered by humanity are caused by the market economy. Capitalist businesses fight for market share and the sources of raw materials, especially oil, causing wars in which workers are killed. By instilling nationalism, they win us to believe in the "defense of the country." But the country is their companies, private or state owned (Pemex Oil in Mexico, Venezuelan Oil, PetroBras of Brazil, etc.).

The Ukraine and Venezuela are examples of the fight between the great imperialist powers: the US, European Union and Japan on one side, and China, Russia, Iran, etc., on the other. Currently the Chinese capitalists are competing for business in Latin America. Venezuela and China maintain a "strategic alliance," initiated by the late Hugo Chavez, which last March allowed the third renewal of the Chinese-Venezuelan Fund, a mechanism that has allowed Venezuela to receive $15 billion.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, came to Venezuela on April 21, 2014, on the second leg of his Latin American tour which began in Cuba and which continued to Argentina and Brazil. Wang Li is preparing the second official visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Latin America, scheduled for this July. They intend to boost cooperation in the automotive industry, housing, technology and infrastructure.

Chinese expansion  directly challenges US imperialism. Latin America in particular has historically been the US's back yard. They won't let rival imperialists dominate it without a fight.

The drums of war are beating now. The working class needs to be conscious of this and not take sides with one or the other imperialist. Both sides defend and are based on the use of our labor power. We need to free ourselves from the domination of one or the other capitalist. We need to overthrow them! Join us!

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