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International Communist Workers Party

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Los Angeles Youth Collective:

Lessons From Organizing For May Day


"Communism is what we want: a world without borders, racism and war, a world where everyone is equal. I wanted to be part of the march, doing my share for change. I know that we will change the world with united efforts, like strong pillars that no one can knock down. United, we will be invincible and we will remove all borders," said a young man who joined the Party after marching on May Day.

Capitalist governments treat us like slaves.  Every day we struggle for food, while governments live off the blood, sweat and efforts of workers

On this day the working class hits the streets against the capitalists' government and the wage system.

"I attended this march because some day I'll be part of the working class. The things ICWP says, I find interesting.  A world without borders, without capitalist governments and without money can work. I am encouraged to continue this struggle against capitalist governments and this is why I decided to join the party," added another young man.

On the day of the march, some friends didn't want to come for fear of the police. This is a perfect example of why we need communism. It is true that the police do not protect us: they protect the bosses' interests.

Afraid of being deported? With communism that fear will no longer exist because borders will not exist. Some think that change cannot be achieved.  They do not realize that we have the strength and capacity.

"We are all forced to submit to the power of the government, but we can make a difference and make history.  It may not be in the short term, but everything we do for the communist party will someday impact on society and we will live with the satisfaction of knowing that we were part of that small but big change," said another student who also joined the Party after the march.

Many students are busy with their college-credit exams and other activities or events.  These things seem important to some people in relation to the lives they are planning.  But they do not yet realize that they can't realistically "prepare for their personal lives" without committing themselves to mobilizing the masses for communism. Capitalism itself robs us of the chance to reach our full potential.

Initially more than sixty students planned to attend the march, but various obstacles prevented many from coming. About forty actually came. We have to struggle to overcome these obstacles.  The masses will not mobilize themselves for communism. We the Party members must mobilize them.

"The march takes place every year.  Students won't skip things they think are important for a march that they can attend next year anyway.   We have to be convinced to make room in our schedule, to make adjustments for the day.  The Party needs to make preparations and announce them in advance," said a young woman.

Some students' parents did not allow them to participate.  A couple said it was too hot to be marching.  These, too, are questions of commitment.

We have to carry out the political and ideological struggle and point out the daily madness of capitalism even in the smallest situations. We do this in the pages of Red Flag.             

"Some of the obstacles for me were work and school but I still made ​​time to attend the march,"  said a  young woman comrade.

There were other advances. First, many young people took their responsibilities on the day of the march very seriously: distribution of Red Flag, leading and chanting slogans,  carrying  banners, red flags and signs.

Many helped  to prepare for the march. A young man designed  a banner that read "Political Strike! Mobilize for Communism!" in both English and Spanish and others painted it. Many brought their friends to the march.

New comrades have joined, new study groups have formed, and a deeper collective understanding of mobilizing the masses for communism is developing.  Our Summer Projects in Los Angeles and Seattle will take this to a new level.

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