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Syria: Rulers Debate World War III:



"One feels sympathy for U.S. President Barack Obama. Whatever he does in Syria, he is doomed." -Robert D. Kaplan, Chief Geopolitical Analyst at the Strafor think tank.

The above quote succinctly captures the dilemma facing the US rulers' dominant liberal imperialist wing – which invariably sets most of US imperialism's national-international policies. Their public squabble about whether or not to invade Syria reflects this dilemma.
Time magazine asked Zbigniew Brzezinski and John McCain to each write an op-ed piece laying out the arguments for each side. Brzezinski was the National Security Adviser from 1977 to 1981 and has been for decades a major architect of US foreign policy. John McCain is a Republican Senator from Arizona and a presidential candidate in 2012. Their articles' titles are revealing. Brzezinski's was: "Syria: Intervention Will Only Make It Worse." McCain's read: "Syria: Intervention Is in Our Interest."

Fight over Syria: Fight for World Domination
Syria is presently a bone of contention between the China-Russia-Iran axis and the US and its European and Arab allies. It is part of the fight for world domination that will eventually explode in World War III.
Behind the Syrian discord, the real debate is about which strategies to implement to prepare for that global conflagration. Some of these top imperialist butchers think the Middle East should be at the center of this strategy.
They think they can regain their position as the top imperialists by re-conquering the region. Crucial to their plans is invading Syria to topple Assad. Iran would be next.
If successful, this would give US imperialism full control of Middle Eastern and Central Asian energy resources, which they would then use to flood the world's oil markets, bankrupting energy powerhouses like Russia and Venezuela. China's economic and military energy needs would then be captive of the US bosses' whims. Once again, US imperialism would be the undisputed ruler of the world.

No US vital interests are at risk in the Middle East?
Others in this gang of mass murderers believe this is a pipe dream. They know, however, that world domination requires full control of Middle Eastern and Central Asia energy resources. But, to regain that control they must fight the ChinaRussia-Iran axis. And, the place to fight them is not the Middle East but Asia Pacific. Their strategy is Obama's "pivot" or "rebalancing" to that region.
Richard Haass, President of top US imperialist think-tank CFR, says that "Washington should try hard to avoid another costly war of choice" in the Middle East. He argues that a military intervention in Syria would be so costly and long-lasting that "It would be hard to justify so potentially costly and difficult an undertaking for less than vital interests."
Besides, a US invasion of Syria and Iran could easily escalate into a military confrontation between an isolated US and the China-Russia-Iran axis. The Asia Pacific strategy, however, gives the US bosses more time to prepare for that war and to try to build the military coalition they need.
Presently, they are signing new and strengthening old military treaties with China's neighbors Japan, India, Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore. They hope these capitalists-imperialists will fight on their side. Big hopes!

While world rulers debate world war, our debate must be about communism
Communism or capitalism production for need or production for profits, working class communist power or the capitalists' dictatorship of wage slavery – these are life and death questions facing our international working class today.
Either the interminable super-exploitation of our class for maximum profits, which buried alive thousands of our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters, or a communist world where workers' lives are society's most valued assets.
Either the worldwide unending slaughter of our class in wars for profits and empires, or a communist world without borders, where we share the world's resources to collectively produce to provide every human being with everything needed to live a dignified, productive and creative life.

Our choice should be clear: Life over Death, Creativity over Destruction

Whatever US rulers decide, the carnage of our class will continue unabated in Syria and the drums of WWIII will continue to beat, louder and closer. Responding to the US rulers continuing arming of the anti-Assad forces, the Russian imperialists have sent naval vessels to the Eastern Mediterranean, and offered Syria sophisticated ground-to-sea and anti-aircraft missiles. War is also on their minds.
Make no mistake, the world's capitalists-imperialists are determined to fight to the last drop of our blood for their profits and empires. We have no dog in that fight. We must choose communism and commit to join and build the International Communist Workers' Party to organize the revolution that will wipe these mass murderers off the face of the earth forever.