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International Communist Workers Party

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   To Contact ICWP, send an email to: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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In the factory where I work, an African coworker has been reading Red Flag for about 3 months. One day he said to me, "I need to talk to you at lunchtime." I was surprised at how serious he spoke.
At lunchtime he said, "Red Flag says we should join and I want to know what I need to do to join." I was even more surprised. I didn't expect this from my co-worker.
We talked more the next day. I responded to his question, "To be a member of the Party you only need to have class consciousness and be open to learning and teaching communist ideas."
The time to deepen the discussion was short and we agreed to go out on the weekend and invite another friend who could help with translation since language limited me in deepening the discussion of basic themes about communist ideology.
At the weekend meeting, my two friends seemed happy and confident as if they had known each other for a long time. The exchange of ideas developed in a friendly way while we enjoyed snacks.
"What do you think about communist ideas?" I asked.
"I feel comfortable with these ideas because they are my ideas. Otherwise I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have invited you to my house. I like what Red Flag says about the struggle against racism and sexism."
He said, "I am now ready to be one of the members of the community and even to strengthen the party because it is the fundamental solution for the working class."
We agreed that as active members, we must organize among our co-workers and friends. We made plans to see each other outside the factory and invite two more prospective members. We promised to write collectively for Red Flag and to meet outside work to broaden our political understanding.
Several days after the weekend meeting, my co-worker said, "I am very pleased to join your organization; when I was in Africa, I couldn't join the movement because of a critical situation."
Now, as comrades, we plan to develop communist relations with our co-workers and grow the party. Our work as a party is to seek out our co-workers, especially the most advanceed, win them to the party, and develop them as communist leaders so they can help win others. Developing communist relationsis part of the process by which our party will grow.
Welcome comrade; together we will open the way for others to join us to build the road to a red dawn.