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International Communist Workers Party

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Garment Workers Talk About Bangladesh:

Destroy Wage Slaveray With Communist Revolution


LOS ANGELES, CA—A garment worker comrade made an emotional and communist presentation about the death of over 1100 garment workers in Bangladesh to a group of garment workers, transit workers, and others. The Power Point presentation included photos of the collapse of the garment factory, the rebellion of the Bangladeshi workers, and the ICWP May Day marches internationally.
He emphasized the struggle for communism as the only solution to wage slavery, not the creation of unions or reforms of building codes, which are being pushed by liberals and fake leftists. The exploitation and extraction of $ billions in profits comes from the low wages, speed-up and secondarily the conditions of the buildings. New and secure buildings won’t end exploitation.
He showed the enormous fury and revolutionary potential of these men and women workers. He said that during the crisis after the collapse, thousands of them risked their own lives to help save their class brothers and sisters. They had to confront the police to keep them from removing the rubble with people still below it. He said that the slogan, “Hang the Bosses” resonated among thousands of these workers. Many of these workers showed many aspects of communism, and potentially can be won to the ideas and to communist struggle, to discard reformist ideas and struggle to build ICWP to mobilize for a communist world.

One participant said, “This [mass murder] reflects the crisis of capitalism. It’s linked to the inter-imperialist struggle and preparations for world war. This macabre exploitation, where they pay $38 per month is to enlarge capitalist profits and also to have money for their military adventures.”
During the discussion, final arrangements were made for a protest in downtown Los Angeles at the time when thousands of workers are leaving the garment factories and shops.
The day of the protest, a group of comrades and friends came. Some held signs, others helped to distribute hundreds of copies of our newspaper Red Flag to workers who gladly received it and listened to speeches about the need to avenge the deaths of these workers by fighting for communist revolution.
In both the presentation and the rally, we answered the question: “What is the importance for us of what happened to the workers in Bangladesh?”
One speaker at the protest answered this question, saying, “The deaths of these garment workers in Bangladesh, and of the thousands who die crossing the US-Mexican border, those who die in Mexico and Central America, are a product of capitalism. We have to say ENOUGH. These workers call on us to avenge these deaths, organizing a worldwide communist movement to smash capitalism. We workers are the ones who produce everything. To lead our communist society, we don’t need banks or money, or bosses or exploitation. If we don’t want to leave a future of wage slavery to our children, join our movement and let’s fight for a communist society.”

High School Students Respond to Tragedy in Bangladesh with Communist Solidarity

LOS ANGELES— After finding out about the recent developments in Bangladesh we produced a letter of solidarity with the workers in Bangladesh. The content of the letter follows:
As students we condemn the killing of our working-class sisters and brothers. We consider that the cause of the death of the workers was the thirst for profit, an integral part of the capitalist system. Capitalism is a living hell for all workers in the world.
We are inspired by and applaud the braveryand heroism that you all have demonstrated in the face of this great tragedy. Your collective efforts in the rescue operations together with the struggle that you have unleashed against capitalist authorities show the enormous potential of our class.
We admire the techniques implemented to save the people inside the building. You have engineered techniques and learned quickly how to rescue without government assistance. And these things were done only to help your fellow workers without expecting anything in return.
We can organize a different society; let’s mobilize the masses for communism where we, the
working class, will organize and will control all means of production; machinery, factories and the land. We will organize work and production to meet human needs and not to satisfy capitalist profits.
Comrades, we are with you. We invite you to join in the liberation of the international working class. From every corner of the world all together fight for what we deserve!
We discussed this letter widely and collectively worked on it. After reaching an agreement about the final content, we distributed it inside the school. We have collected many signatures to show support and solidarity. School is about to end, but before it does, we will visit classrooms and we will present the letter to students so they may sign it.
All of this represents a small step in the process of us becoming class conscious that we are an international working class with the power of destroying the material base of capitalism and building a new communist society of free men and women workers!