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International Communist Workers Party

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From Poverty and Violence to Exploitation and War:

Immigrants & Citizens United to Destroy Capitalism


A river of children from Central America and Mexico is flowing to the US in search of their parents and a supposedly better future.  On the way, many youth are sexually abused and beaten, or die at the hands of the gangs, the police or the smugglers. The most "fortunate," after traveling three thousand miles on the "Beast" (a cargo train) and having paid thousands of dollars, arrive at the border to fall prey to the hated "Migra" agents.


Many think that when they arrive in the US they will automatically have legal papers, a rumor that has been spread primarily in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Since October 2013, more than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been arrested crossing the border, a 90% increase over last year. Estimates are that this number will increase to 90,000 for the year. Over 32,000 mothers with children were arrested in the same period.

This crisis has been created by the capitalist system that forces tens of thousands of workers and their children to leave their homes to flee poverty and violence that the same capitalists create.

Immigration Crisis Reflects Fight Among US Bosses Over War Plans

Obama sent his whole high command to take maximum advantage of this situation. He sent lawyers, judges, and political asylum officials to Texas to speed up processing the detainees and send them to their families or prison shelters.

US Vice President Biden met with the Presidents of Guatemala and El Salvador and representatives of Honduras and Mexico to address the issue. He promised more aid to those countries for new projects to stop youth from gang involvement. He also assured, "We cannot forcefully separate the children from their parents. The children have their parents in the US, and in our view they should be united with them there."

However he said, "Those considering risking their lives to reach the US should …be conscious of what awaits them, which will not be open arms…any child who came in the last 7 years is not eligible to avail themselves of the process of deferred action, no immigrant who came after 2011 is eligible for integral immigration reform."

The most powerful sector of US bosses, which Obama represents, needs to push patriotism massively to prepare for more wars and World War III.  They need the loyalty of millions of immigrant workers laboring as wage slaves. More important, they need the children of these workers to willingly join the army and fight their imperialist wars.

However, many Republicans are not concerned with building mass patriotism among immigrants for war, but only in super-exploiting them, pushing anti-immigrant racism. They blame Obama's lack of border security for the crisis. Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry is calling for 1000 National Guard troops, helicopters and drones to stop immigrants. John Boehner, Republican leader of US House of Representatives, refuses to put Immigration Reform to a vote.

Thomas Donohue, the President of the US Chamber of Commerce, representing businesses, wants reform.  "Without reform, our broken immigration system will continue hurting our economy, jobs and undermining our global competitiveness."

On June 30, Obama threatened that if the US Congress didn't pass Immigration Reform for the over 11 million undocumented immigrant workers, he would use his executive powers to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to all those who qualify for the proposed law that passed the Senate last year. But he warned that the children who have come recently will be sent back to their countries of origin.

None of these politicians have the well-being of the workers and children in mind, only how to maintain their profits and empire. These rulers have bombed and massacred millions of workers and their children around the world. This is what capitalism offers: a race against death and the prize for the ones who survive is to work as a slave and die in their wars.

For a World Without Borders or Wage Slavery!

We workers, immigrants and citizens, should see this crisis as one more reason to fight to destroy this capitalist system and build a new society based on communist principles. Borders are a recent invention of the ruling classes to divide and exploit groups of workers. In a communist world, borders won't exist. Workers and their children will not have to abandon their places of origin to get a "permit" for survival. Instead, our survival will depend on us collectively producing and sharing what we need.

Communism will eliminate money and exploitation. We will no longer be wage slaves. We will creatively and collectively build our future. When we fight, it will be for the international working class.



This debate has spilled into the streets. Many of those who support immigrants are contributing food and clothing to the recent arrivals, as they did in a church in Arizona. At the same time, racists in Murrieta California protested against 140 immigrants, mainly mothers and children, being brought to a detention center there. Immigrants and their supporters shouldn't be fooled by Obama's rhetoric, but instead should fight for a communist world with no borders.

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