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International Communist Workers Party

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Need to Build Mass Communist Party:

Mexican Masses Rout Killer Cops


MEXICO -- The situation in Mexico is getting worse. Starvation wages and rising prices make the situation unbearable. There are monthly increases in the price of oil and gas (even though Mexico has oil!) and consequently in the price of everything else. There are the problems drug trafficking brings: insecurity, kidnappings, and killings. Amidst all this, workers are trying to survive. Recently the price of transportation went up: the microbus fares increased from 3 pesos to 4 pesos and they announced, "It only went up a peso." Only a peso? That is 33%! Wages grow annually at less than 4% (except the army with their 40%).
But masses in motion rebel. And, of course, the government represses. This is the case with the attacks on the teachers of Chiapas in their recent Congress. The police forcibly entered the hall that held more than 800 delegates, under the pretext of investigating a kidnapping, throwing tear gas.
A teacher reported, "We know these sell-out leaders; they decree a recess, they bring delegates who agree with them, they hold sessions elsewhere and impose a spurious committee. We no longer trust them. That's why we refused to let them leave." Then the sell-outs brought in the police with clubs and shields who evicted everyone. Twenty-nine teachers were arrested and then hundreds of teachers organized a night time march.
The rebellious teachers do not realize that their strategy is inadequate, since only the building of a mass communist party can make a real change. Support was shown on the internet: "Complete support for the teachers!" "We won't allow the repressive state!" But, how is it that they won't allow it? Are they organizing a communist party? No. Others say, "A country that treats its teachers like this is barbaric." "The government was quick to use its troops. For that, they've spent millions." These comments are accurate, but insufficient for the real change that we need: a communist revolution. Better comments were: "Education reform is against every one; we must seek the best for every one." "The teachers are not alone, we parents are with you." Here are the seeds of the revolutionary action we need for communism. Let's take advantage now that the people, not trusting either the army or the politicians, are taking the law into their own hands.
An example is the situation in Tultitlán, in the state of Mexico. A drunk policeman, after an argument, shot three brothers, killing two of them and leaving the other in grave condition. Afterwards, some 400 angry neighbors attacked his patrol car. They tried to hold the policeman but he was rescued by other cops. A neighbor said, "Now it was these young men; who will be next?"
While they lifted one of the bodies, neighbors of the deceased set fire to the patrol car. Then they went to demand punishment for the police. On the way, they attacked parked police cars. They smashed seven; three were burned and two were overturned. They also trashed offices. The police didn't do anything; they hid out in the police station. There were no arrests. (How could they?) The authorities said they would investigate and apply the law. The rescuing police were arrested. About the destruction, they said they would "act wisely," that the main thing was to clarify the death. Why so benevolent? They have no other alternative. They have seen what the people are capable of and the power that they have.
The important thing in the midst of this rebellion is to understand that the only real option to escape from this chaos, to put an end to repression and terror, is for the masses to move to communism. Join our party, ICWP. Work with us to build this better world that we want and need under communism.
Now this option exists and is available to anyone. Otherwise, the anger of the masses can do great damage but without communist guidance, it won't go anywhere. With communist leadership, the masses' anger can help destroy capitalism and build a world where everything is shared among the masses of workers for their benefit alone.

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