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International Communist Workers Party

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Los Angeles Summer Project:

Taking Red Flag to Airport Workers


LA SummerLOS ANGELES—Three ICWP comrades joined airport maintenance workers in a rally and march called by the union SEIU. "We are from the International Communist Workers' Party," we said to the workers (the majority of them women) who were protesting on the LAX grounds, demanding medical coverage from their bosses.
"We come to support your struggle and condemn not only the actions of the company but also the whole capitalist system. Here is our newspaper Red Flag that shows the necessity of mobilizing the masses for communism. We fight for a communist world in which we the workers control and administer the production in industry, agriculture, transportation and all other sectors." One hundred fifty workers took the newspaper. "But isn't Cuba communist?" asked a woman worker in a small group. "No, they have socialism in Cuba. We consider that to be state capitalism where a government controls and administers a system of capitalist production. In a communist world, money, privilege and inequality would not exist, and all of this exists in Cuba," we answered.
The worker and those who surrounded her were very attentive and very interested in the conversation and the idea that we can live in a different world, where the dignity of every human being will have its maximum expression.

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