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International Communist Workers Party | |
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There isn’t any continent on earth where immigrants are not hounded, humiliated, incarcerated, tortured, killed and deported. The capitalists-imperialists of the world viciously attack workers who are fleeing from genocidal wars for profit and empire or from the ravages of the racist system’s economic crises.
The Dominican Republic bosses are threatening to deport 180,000 Haitian immigrants, including their Dominican-born children and grand-children, to the other side of the island they share. This racist attack is another chapter in the sordid history of a worldwide system that has lived too long.
Only the working class mobilized for communism can put an end to these and all of capitalism-imperialism’s horrors. In a communist world there will be no borders and no nations. The world will once again belong to the human race living in a classless society. There will be no money or wage slavery: nothing will be bought or sold. Production will be for human need only. Everyone would be welcome everywhere: the more hands to produce what is needed to make everyone’s burden lighter and the more minds with many varied experiences to enrich and advance our communist theory, the better.
This world has to be fought for and it requires a mass communist ICWP mobilizing the masses for a communist revolution. Immigrant and citizen workers in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, like all workers, should join and build ICWP. Party clubs could be organized around Red Flag, reading, analyzing, writing for and distributing it massively.
Haitian Masses’ Experiences Show the Urgent Need for Communism
For more than eleven years, the Haitian workers rebelled and finally defeated their French slave masters. They also fought and defeated the British and Spanish bosses’ troops sent to retake Haiti from the French bosses and enslave once more the Haitian masses. Once victorious, the rebels established a republic and abolished chattel slavery in 1803.
But the Haitian revolution was not for communism. Instead of abolishing private property, they implemented wage slavery.
Yet, the lesson hasn’t been lost. Today, armed with a communist understanding, the Haitian masses can once again take their place at the forefront of the struggle against wage slavery and for communism. The bosses of the world also know this.
To break their fighting spirit and prevent this, the French, British and US imperialists and local bosses have been punishing the Haitian masses ever since their revolution by imposing on them huge “debt” payments, slave-labor wages and massive unemployment. Many are forced to go the Dominican Republic in search of jobs to survive.
With the deepening worldwide economic crisis worsening the already dire conditions of Dominican workers, the Dominican Republic bosses have unleashed a racist campaign against these Haitian immigrants, blaming them for “using up resources” and “stealing” jobs from the Dominican workers.
They have enacted laws that require Haitian immigrants and their descendants to prove, by showing birth certificates and other official documents, that they were born in the Dominican Republic. But most Haitian immigrants and their families never got such documents.
Dominican workers should not fall for these lies. They must learn from the internationalism of the Haitian masses. In 1822, the Haitian Republic temporarily took over the Dominican Republic and abolished slavery. Dominican workers should join with their Haitian brothers and sisters, not to reform the immigration laws, but to fight to destroy the bosses and the borders they enforce by mobilizing for communism.
All of the workers on the island, like workers the world over, have everything in common with each other and nothing in common with the former slave master imperialists or local Haitian and Dominican bosses.
Only communism can meet all workers’ needs. A revolution for communism will complete the work begun by the brave masses of slaves whose heroic struggle was betrayed, positioning them once again to be super-exploited by the capitalists-imperialists of the world.
In Haiti, the masses are in motion against these exploiters. History is on their side. Some of our documents are on our website in French. If you are able to help translating, please contact us. Only by building ICWP will we guarantee that the future will be a communist world.