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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The greatest crime of the ex-President of Guatemala, General Otto Perez Molina, is not the incident of corruption called “La Linea” (The Line). It is the racist genocide against the country’s indigenous population. This crime was committed in defense of capitalism and US imperialism.
He acted under the mandate of ex-President Rios Montt (now in prison), the big Guatemalan bosses and the former US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush.
The atrocities committed by the Kaibiles troops of General “Tito” (as he was known in the 1980’s) included the rape of girls, strangulation of children, massive torture and murders. These would not have been possible without the direct help of the US government through the CIA.
Perez Molina was one of those responsible for the war of extermination of entire indigenous peoples in the area of Quiché, whose population was accused of supporting the guerilla movement. This was part of the deadly war that the US bosses carried out against Russian and Cuban influence in Central America.
Hundreds of thousands were killed in the whole area, accused of being communists. Unfortunately those groups did not fight for communism, but for national liberation: capitalism with more participation of the local bosses.
From the beginning of his presidency, Perez Molina and a group of bosses around him angered Washington when they wanted to create a movement, together with Brazil and Mexico, to legalize drugs, which the US opposed. Also, Perez Molina wanted closer commercial relations with Hugo Chavez, with whom he had been friends since the end of the 1980’s, when they attended a military school together in Guatemala City.
The US government used the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), an arm of the United Nations, to punish him. But not for his racist crimes against the indigenous population! They punished him for opposing the interests and policies of the US about drugs, and for wanting to ally with the movement led by Hugo Chavez and Brazil’s bosses.
In Guatemala, as in many countries, there is massive discontent against capitalism. Many people are open to communist ideas. Therefore the US bosses, through the CICIG, created a nationalist mass movement, misleading millions of workers and indigenous people into thinking that it was fighting for “justice” against corruption.
But the reality is different. General Perez Molina, like General Noriega in Panama, was the darling of the CIA/USA. That’s why they were both rewarded with presidencies. But when the US bosses no longer need or want them, they go to the gallows to calm the discontent of the masses. In the past they used them to massacre the masses and avoid the influence of Russia and Cuba. Now they want politicians who will again prevent the influence of Russia and China.
The working class must not follow this kind of bosses’ leadership. The CICIG, the CIA, and the new presidential aspirants in Guatemala all represent capitalism. Hunger, unemployment, repression and murders will continue there.
The working class must build the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) in Guatemala to prepare for the communist revolution that will end this capitalist system, the bosses and their murderous generals. We call on all Guatemalan readers and others who have contact with workers and students in Guatemala to send them Red Flag and put them in touch with our communist ideas.
In communism there will be no genocide, because there won’t be money or bosses. Starting today we are building bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood as only one class of workers worldwide. Let’s fight for a world without “races,” racism, or borders that divide us.
Nor will there be corruption because we will all have access to the same material things, but most important is that the masses armed with communist ideas will be capable of preventing any deviation. There will be a constant ideological struggle to keep communist ideas front and center. Join our struggle
The capitalist electoral process is a dead end for the working class. It serves mainly to create the illusion that workers have a say in this system. But really, the only thing that it gives us is the “freedom” to choose the next capitalist henchman who will rule us.
The case of Guatemala shows this. It also shows that organizations like the United Nations CICIG and the US are not interested in fighting corruption, but only in insuring the imperialist interests of the US and Western capitalists.
The record of the two presidential candidates Jimmy Morales and Sandra Torres, who meet in a run-off on October 25, irrefutably proves this:
Jimmy Morales, from the Front of National Convergence (FCN), ranked first in the first round of voting. He is closely linked to Edgar Justino Ovalle, a general during the genocide in the decade of the 1980’s. He led many operations including 77 massacres in the Department of Quiché.
His party FCN is supported by the retired general Luis Quilo Ayuso, former president of the Association of Veterans and Soldiers of Guatemala, an ultra-right group of retired soldiers.
Sandra Torres, of the National Unity of Hope party, is the ex-wife of former President Alvaro Colon accused by the CICIG of illegally financing political parties. They divorced in 2011 so that Sandra Torres could run as a candidate for the presidency.
Torres’ sister Gloria Torres and two of her daughters were accused of embezzling public funds in three cities. Gloria Torres is also linked to Juan Ortiz, alias “Juan Chamale” known in Guatemala as the “King of Heroin.”