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International Communist Workers Party

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Letters to Red Flag


Navy to Youth: "Just Show Up"

I've been going to the Navy recruiter for about a month and I noticed that they are very approachable and easy to talk to. The Army and Marines asked redundant questions but the Navy just moved straight to the point. "Just show up, we can handle the rest," they told me. They are more aggressive in their approach to recruiting, more so than the Army or Air Force or even the Marines. The recruiter was more eager to have me in the Navy than the Army guys were. Even the Marine guys told me I should join the Navy. It didn't occur to me at the time, but I just got some information on the reason why. The ruling class really needs the Navy to be strong because the next world war is going to be a sea war for control of the Pacific Ocean. I got some information from a comrade that the US ruling class is planning to "contain" China by blockading their oil coming through the Indian Ocean from the Middle East.
Later I read more about this in Red Flag. That was very interesting and I noticed after looking at the map that the Navy is very important to the ruling class. So the Navy is also important to the working class so we can reverse whatever they are trying to do. We would convince our shipmates that what the imperialists are trying to do is wrong and convince them to join the Party.


Fighting Cancer in a Communist Society and Communism

This is written in response to the letter about workers' struggles against cancer in communism. Excellent analysis by the writer to the question: does this mean that even in communism, cancer will be a problem? The conclusion of the comrade is very true; since even living in communism, this disease will continue to be a serious problem. But this is the challenge that communist society will have to meet in order to advance in improving workers' health. We would also like to add other causes and factors contributing to cancer. According to the International Research Agency, it is predicted that by 2030 cancer will kill 13.2 million people worldwide; and the saddest part is that for the working class the probabilities of survival are minimal. The main cause of this phenomenon is capitalism since the causes of cancer are related to industrialization and destruction of the environment for the continued exploitation of the working class.
Since the times of older systems, the ruling classes have not had pity on humanity. Historically, workers in the fields, mines, and many other areas, have been subjected to working under the poorest conditions, exposed to radiation and toxins, and forced to consume processed foods that gradually kill workers, without being provided decent health care. Capitalism is no exception as it generates huge profits for the pharmaceutical and other related industries. In communism, years of effort will be needed to stop the growth of cancer and other diseases. Apart from a better diet and better physical care to lower risk factors, we will have to continue advancing scientifically to develop new curative treatments; and more importantly, every human being will have the necessary medical care. As the comrade said, "This world can only be achieved in communism."
Capitalism must be judged by the suffering that it has caused workers. The only way to improve the conditions of the workers is to destroy the capitalists!

With love for the working class,

--Red Flag Readers

To Eliminate Monsanto: Eliminate Capitalism

Los Angeles, CA.—Recently, my daughter and nieces went to a protest against Monsanto. This company, that in the 1930's produced pesticides, made the chemicals for the atomic bomb and later, during the Vietnam War, produced Agent Orange.
Now Monsanto controls the production of grains worldwide. They created a type of genetically modified seed that cannot reproduce itself as natural seeds do. The seed has been genetically altered and can contain the genes of an animal, like a frog or a pig, to create a stronger seed that can resist any insect attack, and resist the cold or heat. This accelerates their growth, which meets the needs of big business, and not the workers or small farmers.
Recently Obama signed the "Monsanto Law," an injunction that prohibits people from suing or making any type of claim for any health problems caused by the seeds. Growers are forced to buy the seeds. For example, in Colombia, with the Free Trade Agreement, farmers could be tried and sentenced for saving the seeds for the next year's crop. Farmers and their supporters challenged this by nationwide strikes in September.
The consumption of these genetically modified seeds brings serious damage to the workers' health, such as the development of cancer cells, tumors, etc.
In the discussion that we had with my daughter, we tried to find a solution to this social problem that affects us all. She told me that we have to put an end to Monsanto so that they stop producing genetically modified food. She gave me all kinds of solutions which we try to apply to our lives like planting some fruit trees. She also suggested buying organic food, which is inaccessible for us workers because it is too expensive. Capitalism makes you believe that the system can be reformed, giving many alternatives which my daughter proposed as a solution.
I told her that all this is very individualistic and that we are not thinking about a solution for this problem. We could protest and stop Monsanto, but someone else with a different name will come, hungry for profits at the cost of our health. It was a very good discussion that took us to the point that the only possible answer is to destroy this murderous system and build a communist world. She didn't tell me this, but I am sure she thought about it.
This brings a new generation of young people who want to transform the world who are offered fashionable answers like thinking green and acting green. This is just feeding capitalism. They need to know that life isn't like that, that we have the power to change things and that we all deserve to grow in a healthy environment and to feed ourselves well with healthy food.

--Garment Worker Comrade

What's Going on?

With this government that every day is more divided, could it be true that the monetary system is faltering, as it has been predicted, and that the closure is more serious than what people think?
How could it be possible that the families of the soldiers who died in battle, defending the interests of the rich people of this country are taking out loans to bury them, just because their benefits have been denied? Like dominoes, they are going from office to office.
Another problem is the long lines at the WIC office, which gives food to children who are US citizens. Now! What changes can we expect next?
Workers who help with their labor give their vote to these politicians who promised them something, but who now turn their back on them and forget that it's people like these who allow them to bring food to the table, whether it's in the White House or any other house in North America.
Should we say thanks on Thanksgiving Day? While the FDA keeps denying health services and salmonella continues causing illness and deadly infections?
You think that it should be us who will assess the turkeys and give thanks for the high prices of basic necessities, like milk, meat, and everything else. This brings us inflation, changes which affect all of us—you and me—like everyone who ends up being the victim of those who are too divided to make a decision— republicans or democrats.
What could there be behind this smoke screen?
Something that many don't want to join; they take the easy road and withdraw so they don't commit themselves. Will it be another Desert Storm, coming again like the government did, years before? What will they call it this time? Because although they don't talk about war any more, in the White House they live and breathe based on fragmented decisions—government, people, economy.
I'm a reader of Red Flag, which supports the road to a better life, and this would be starting a movement where we give voice to common thoughts and ideas which answer to our liberty. Let's fight for ourselves, our children and class brothers and sisters. Red Flag reflects the true fight that understands the need of a people hungry for communism. Let's join to develop ourselves, ALL of us participating, for a better world.

--Reader in Los Angeles

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