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International Communist Workers Party

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Red Flag newspaper

Article Series from Red Flag

Communist Dialectics


Mexican Teachers in Class Struggle Need to Become Communist Organizers


MEXICO, November 15—Once again tens of thousands of teachers took to the streets to protest Education Reform and its teacher evaluations. The government threatens to fire teachers who don’t submit to evaluation.  It uses this threat as a whip to get them in line. There were confrontations between teachers and the police in various states.
For many years, teachers have represented the class struggle that exists in Mexico. The bosses have been able to control mass movements of miners, farm workers, railroad workers, electricians, students and other workers opposed to the government and their respective bosses by getting the unions to serve these same bosses. They have achieved this because the workers haven’t been able to see themselves as one class and organize themselves in one communist party, the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).
Education in Mexico is not a national question, but a world question. The main aspect of capitalist education is to hide the fact that we live in class society, based on exploitation, and governments make sure that the schools do this job. Capitalism has developed two opposing social classes in almost every corner where humans find themselves. The boss class controls private property in the means of production (factories, land, machinery, etc.).  The working class only survives by working for a boss.
The bosses at every level live in constant competition. They are constantly writing new commercial treaties between Mexico and the United States to be able to compete with other bosses in Europe and Asia. Their educational programs must meet their new needs.
The bosses need the schools to prepare workers for the branches of production that they most urgently need to develop, especially energy and auto. Both branches represent the bases for preparing for the third world war. The auto plants can be converted to mass production of arms, tanks and airplanes. At the same time they need the energy infrastructure to keep these factories running.
The bosses need teachers to guarantee the success of capitalism, and the continued flow of profits to the capitalists. The Secretary of Public Education (SEP) is the executive branch of the government that is responsible to make this system function.
It starts in elementary school, where students are taught to read, to fill our heads with dreams of national identity and lies that are far from the reality of the reasons for poverty. Secondary education follows with the memorization of formulas and concepts that you won’t use in your daily life, and if you are lucky enough to reach college or university, you end up accepting that the existing social order is part of human nature.
In a communist society, the education of the whole society will guarantee that there will be no pyramid of power, no banks, no multi-millionaire families, no SEP, no exploitation. This communist education will be based on producing what the working class needs to live. We’ll end the bosses’ profits!
Teachers mustn’t limit themselves to fight to keep capitalism working. They have to be part of the guardians of humanity. Be a communist teacher, promoting a world without capitalist education.
The main task of teachers should be to spread communist ideas—the ideas of a society without social classes.  Their job should be to help organize workers, teachers and students for a communist revolution, in which we take up arms to destroy capitalism and to seize power. Join our International Communist Workers’ Party!

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