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International Communist Workers Party

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Honduras Elections:

Don't Vote for Failed Socialism
Mobilize for Communism!


TThe current crisis ravaging worldwide capitalism- imperialism has plunged Honduras into a deep political, economic, social and security crisis of unprecedented proportions.
Of its population of 8.5 million, 5.7 million live in poverty; 3.8 million live and die on less than a dollar a day. This crushing poverty is rapidly rising. From 2009 to 2012, the poor increased by 2.1 million, while the rate of unemployment and underemployment reached almost 80%.honduras
To make matters worse, death stalks the working class anytime and anywhere. Honduras is the most dangerous country in the world, with 86 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, or about 10 times the global average. The police, army, landowners, drug traffickers and the "Maras" assassinate an average of 20 people daily.
Many Honduran workers are pinning their hopes for change on the November 24th presidential election. But neither the election nor the participating political parties represent an alternative. Only a communist revolution can create the society that Honduran workers and the world's working class long for and need.

The FNRP and its Libre Party adopt leftist rhetoric
The Libre Party (Party of Liberty and Re-foundation) is the political arm of the National Front of Popular Resistance (NFPR). The NFRP is a mass movement born out of the huge protests that erupted following the coup that ousted President Mel Zelaya in 2009.
The NFPR, with its pseudo-left rhetoric, and its candidate Xiomara Zelaya, Mel Zelaya's wife, have won the sympathy and support of large sectors of the working class. They promise a radical change with a "complete re-founding of the State and the construction of a Socialist System that responds to the historical moment we live and the particular conditions of Honduras."

Socialism: Dead end for the international working class
The socialism established in Russia, China and other countries by the old communist movement was a resounding failure. It never developed into communism because socialism is state capitalism. It did not eliminate money, markets or salaries.
The capitalist beast remained intact, only its rider was changed. The reins passed from capitalists' hands to communists' hands.
Workers remained wage slaves - selling their labor power, no longer to individual capitalists, but the socialist state. Money and wage differentials corrupted the most devoted Communists, turning them into capitalists. Today, China and Russia are rising imperialist powers contending with the U.S. for world domination.

Xiomara and NFPR leaders: wolves in sheep's clothing
The old international communist movement fought for socialism because it believed the working class could not be won to fight directly for communism: a society without capitalists, money, wages and markets. It was a serious mistake. But, it was an honest mistake.
However, now that history has proven that socialism is a failure, why fight for it? Because socialists like Xiomara, the NFPR leaders, the likes of Hugo Chavez, etc. are capitalists or wannabe capitalists who use the masses' aspirations for a better world to advance their own capitalist agenda.
They have two goals: One is to prevent the masses' hatred of capitalism from leading to a communist revolution that destroys the capitalists and their system. The second is to use the masses to break the chains that bind them to U.S. imperialism. They hope for better deals with other imperialist countries like China in order to get a bigger slice of the exploitation of the working class.
Thus, the NFRP talks of "reversing the situation of dependency on U.S. imperialism," about "establishing strategic economic relations with Asia," and "expelling all U.S. military bases and troops from Honduran territory."

The struggle for communism is more urgent than ever
No matter how the elections end, capitalism's worldwide crisis will deepen everywhere, sharpening the class struggle and the inter-imperialist rivalry.
Honduras is crucial to US control of Central America and the Caribbean. Since the 1960s, fighting to control the region, US imperialism and its Russian and European rivals plus the local capitalists have slaughtered over 500,00 Central American workers.
China's intrusion in the region will become another front in the US-China struggle for world domination which is leading to World War III. US bosses are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in Honduras, not to eradicate poverty, but to build bases and the military to keep control of the region and drown in blood any attempt of Honduran workers to throw off the capitalist-imperialist yoke.
The NFPR, Xiomara and whichever imperialist power replaces US imperialism will do the same, if the Honduran working class decides to fight for true communism.
Honduran workers are open to communist ideas. Only communism can give them the society and the world they aspire and need. Let us not disappoint them. Our International Communist Workers' Party in Honduras must assume this historic responsibility and the great honor of mobilizing these workers for communism.


Throughout its history, the capitalist system has used the electoral process to maintain its validity. In certain periods, when it has suited the rulers, capitalists maintained power through monarchies, dictatorships, military governments, right-wing governments, the ultra right-wing, and others. They also promoted and supported military coups to protect their interests.
Latin America is no exception. In the twentieth century, from the 1930's to the 1970's, they militarily and economically supported brutal bloody dictatorships like Batista in Cuba, Duvalier in Haiti, Balaguer in the Dominican Republic, Carías in Honduras, Somoza in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, and others.
With the resurgence of the liberation and revolutionary movements in different parts of the world, mainly in Latin America and Africa, imperialist capitalism changed its strategy a little by promoting and imposing so-called representative democracy through elections to choose puppet rulers of the local oligarchies, and of the US, or other imperialists.
We see that the people are subjected to massive capitalist propaganda which presents the electoral system and the resulting rulers as the solution to society's problems.
In reality, the opposite is true. It is the biggest farce because as a result, now in the majority of Latin American countries and in Africa, there is more poverty, unemployment, discrimination, exploitation, insecurity, and subjugation of the working class.
Honduras is no exception. The electoral circus is in its last stage, since on November 24, the election for the president, representatives, and mayors will be held. There are eight parties participating, all in the service of the oligarchy.
Among them is the Libre Party (Party of Liberty and Re-foundation). (See article above). Several comrades in Honduras are trying to explain to the people with whom we are in contact that the electoral circus which occurs every four years in no way benefits the working class and the exploited masses. As the gap between those who have the most and those who have nothing widens every day, we should not participate in this electoral circus which amounts to choosing our future oppressors and exploiters.
Instead, we should fight to put an end to all these tactics of the capitalist system once and for all by fighting for real liberation from the exploiters' yoke. We can achieve this in a revolutionary communist struggle led by a communist party, which is the ICWP.

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