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International Communist Workers Party

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As Capitalist Crisis Deepens, New Communists Step Forward


"I'm tired of so much injustice."

LOS ANGELES — MTA workers, members of ICWP, invited a coworker, a mechanic, to a meeting to speak to him more deeply about Red Flag and what it meant to join the party.
"First, we want to say that the working class should not depend politically on bourgeois parties. Whether they are Democrat, Republican, ARENA or fmln, they represent the interest of a sector of the bosses. These bourgeois parties are part of the state. Their main role is to hide and maintain the exploitation and domination over the working class.
"We, as a class, need our own party, a revolutionary communist organization— not to participate in the electoral circus— but rather to bring together, prepare and lead our class to take power.
"We have to learn from past mistakes when it was believed that socialism was a necessary step to reach communism or that the building of a new society required stages.
"Brother, this party that we are building is a party of a new type. Its main task is to spread communist ideas directly and aggressively. We raise the Red Flag from the dirt and the workingclass struggle from its betrayal. Our party denounces all those who pretend to be with the working class but who consciously or unconsciously only serve as the bosses' lackeys.
"Because this party is of the working class, it cannot be of a nation or even a continent. This organization has to be international, without 'races' or borders.
"In this party, each member contributes according to their commitment, which increases along with the growth of the political understanding of the need to accelerate and guarantee the communist revolutionary process. The party depends economically on the workers. In this way we are not committed to any boss.
"In the name of ICWP and Red Flag we want to invite you to become a member of the party and of this great cause and to dedicate your life to building a new society."
"Well, that's good. I accept. I want to be a member of the party," answered the mechanic. "I accept, because I am tired of so much injustice. We have no defense and the union that is supposed to help us not only collaborates with the bosses, but is part of them. It cannot be reformed. We have to destroy it."
"Comrade, we welcome you. It makes us proud and it inspires us that workers like you can be part of our party. Do you want to distribute more newspapers?
"Yes," he answered. "I'll take ten to distribute to my family and friends."
We finished the meeting with one more member in our party. We left with the firm objective conviction that many more will be joining our revolutionary communist cause soon.


"I like the thinking of communism."

LOS ANGELES — In a recent ICWP high school study group session we had a discussion around the question of joining the party. "I don't think I'm ready," responded Luisa, who then added, "I am barely starting to know about communism, I don't know enough."
Henry asked, "What would my role be?"
"Yeah," said Clarissa, "like what would be my responsibility?"
"Most of you already do what party members do. You regularly participate in Red Flag study sessions. You bring communist ideas to marches, you read and distribute Red Flag among your friends and teachers, you write for Red Flag. In many ways you are mobilizing the masses for communism already," said the club leader.
"And that is what it means to join the International Communist Workers' Party: to mobilize the masses for communism the best way that we can. Also, joining the party means being open to the political struggle of the collective to advance the work, to develop ourselves ideologically and widen the communist base. It means being part of a communist collective. We learn things by doing them."
Frank added, "I support communism but I think we have the wrong people in government and there are a lot of lobbyist groups. There are no honest people, they are all corrupt."
At this point, Lori responded, "Yeah, you are put in this position and that changes you. Before the Arab uprising the presidents were good to themselves, their sons and families. People change in power. Power corrupts."
"Even if we have honest people in government, we would still have a capitalist mode of production and capitalist social relations. The factories, the land and all other means of production would still be privately owned by the capitalist class. The masses of our working class brothers and sisters would still work the means of production in wage slave conditions.
"With communism wage slavery is eliminated as the masses will take control of all of the means of production.
The masses will reorganize the mode of production in a new mass collective way to satisfy human need in which its main guiding principle will be from each according to commitment to each according to need," said the club leader.
"I really like the thinking of communism but what are the consequences of joining the party and being a communist, like about future employment and stuff?" Mark asked.
"We have to be as secret a possible from the bosses and our enemies but as open as possible with our friends and those we trust. Government jobs will never hire an open communist. At times, like the saying goes, 'when in Rome we have to do as the Romans,'" said the club leader.
"Yeah," said Henry, "sometimes we have to lie to our enemies."
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Giselle and Marianne," added Mark. "They brought me around. Yes, I want to join the Party," he affirmed.
We invite students and workers from Egypt to South Africa, from the U.S. to El Salvador to join the International Communist Workers' Party. As we mobilize the masses of workers for communism, let's use Red Flag as an educator, an agitator, an organizer and a leader.
Let's create a mass communist international party that will be capable of smashing the capitalist state and build a new society based on the true fraternity of and the collective spirit of human kind. Join us. We have a world to win.

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