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International Communist Workers Party

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Letters to Red Flag


All of Us or None

by Bertolt Brecht, 1934

Slave, who is it that shall free you? Those in deepest darkness lying. Comrade, only these can see you Only they can hear you crying. Comrade, only slaves can free you. Everything or nothing. All of us or none. One alone his lot can't better. Either gun or fetter. Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
You who hunger, who shall feed you? If it's bread you would be carving, Come to us, we too are starving. Come to us and let us lead you. Only hungry men can feed you. Everything or nothing. All of us or none. One alone his lot can't better. Either gun or fetter. Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Beaten man, who shall avenge you? You, on whom the blows are falling, Hear your wounded brothers calling. Weakness gives us strength to lend you. Come to us, we shall avenge you. Everything or nothing. All of us or none. One alone his lot can't better. Either gun or fetter. Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Who, oh wretched one, shall dare it? He who can no longer bear it. Counts the blows that arm his spirit. Taught the time by need and sorrow, Strikes today and not tomorrow. Everything or nothing. All of us or none. One alone his lot can't better. Either gun or fetter. Everything or nothing. All of us or none.

Capitalism is the Disaster for Workers

After Hurricane Manuel struck in Guerrero, many communities in the state remained in a state of emergency. This is the time to reflect since working class solidarity was seen as workers immediately mobilized to provide food, medicine, etc. It seems that everything was fine and that there was no reason to worry. However, in the affected area, the aid wasn't distributed adequately, and the people are suffering from lack of food. This suggests that something is not happening as it should and it makes me conclude that a different system must exist, in which aid is not monopolized for electoral purposes or by political leaders who only come to the places affected to have their pictures taken and to give food in their name even though it comes from people of good faith.
The situation, however, in these places was seen to be carried out, thanks to the voluntary action of relatives and neighbors who were not affected. While everything continues being commodities, even the life of the people, it is an opportunity to get more power, and in some cases the local people are capable of selling a piece of an egg for 10 pesos (about $0.75). Another system is needed in which commodities do not exist. It's necessary to change things so that this doesn't keep happening, much more now since these phenomena are each time more frequent due to global warming.

--Reader and friend of ICWP

Communism is the Solution

Months after the storms Manuel, Ingrid and Raymond touched down in Mexican territory, the states that were affected are still feeling the consequences of nature and of capitalism that promotes class division, protecting the bosses and condemning to death our working class. After the natural events experienced in Mexico, like in any other part of the world, if we workers don't die, we are treated as objects that only have value for our labor power. When this ends, we are discarded. Under racist capitalism the priorities are the bosses while the working class can only wait for death.
How racist capitalism is can be seen in areas like Guerrero where the roads are nil or scarce in the mountain areas with larger concentrations of poor people, preventing the distribution of food, medicine, and basic necessities, leading to increasing diseases and hunger among its inhabitants. In Hidalgo, poor peoples' settlements are built in high risk areas, increasing the vulnerability to risky situations which can lead to deaths from landslides. In Tabasco, the location of crop areas and housing near river banks is destroying growing areas and affecting many communities close to them. In Mexico City, poor efficiency of drainage and the accumulation of garbage in the streets causes drain-off, increasing flooding in houses and businesses. Also in the north of Mexico, super-exploitation and excessive use of water, mostly by the big bosses dedicated to large scale production, coupled with long dry periods, is leading to the death of livestock and the reduction in the production of subsistence food production.
There is no doubt that nature continues its natural process as it has been doing for millions of years, but it is undeniable that capitalism is accelerating and altering these processes. Therefore, the working class, more than seeing a natural phenomenon as a disaster, must see it as an opportunity to reconnect with nature and to question ourselves about our selfish and individualistic actions and their origin: capitalism. In communism, the existing research will allow us to make ecological and human adjustments according to the conditions of the soil and the climate, reducing the areas of risk.
But at the same time, it will help us form human "communist" relations, like the working class solidarity observed in Guerrero, people of "good heart," as the friend of ICWP mentioned, who without asking for anything in return are involved in activities to show solidarity of our class. However, this isn't enough. There are many "good-hearted" people who are willing to give their life for others, but we need "good hearted" communists, willing to give their lives to destroy capitalism through a communist revolution. Let's fight for communism.

--Friend and comrade from Mexico

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