This is the first in a series on the history of dialectical
The central idea of dialectics is the unity and
struggle of opposites, that is, contradictory tendencies
that are tied together and cause things to
change and develop. Philosophy based on this
idea is essential to the science of communism.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were the
founders of communist philosophy, but they did
not start from scratch. They borrowed ideas from
a long history of dialectical thought that dates
back at least 25 centuries in Europe and was developed
independently in China and India. We
can only mention here the earliest and latest
stages of that history.
The earliest major dialectical thinker in European
history was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus,
who lived about 2500 years ago in what is
now western Turkey. Heraclitus said that conflict
is universal, "the father of everything," and
makes some people slaves and others free.
Heraclitus emphasized that opposite qualities
of things exist at the same time: "Seawater is very
pure and very foul water; for fish it is drinkable
and life-sustaining, for people it is undrinkable
and deadly." "Writing is both straight and
crooked." He recognized that things have a connection
to their opposites, a connection that turns
back on itself, "like a bow or a lyre."
Heraclitus drew the conclusion that everything
constantly changes, that it isn't possible to step
in the same river twice, since different water is
constantly flowing by. He also said that things
tend to turn into their opposites: disease turns into
health, weariness into rest, hot into cold, etc.
Heraclitus' ideas were not well received by
most other ancient Greek philosophers. They
wanted to see stability in the natural world and
social life, trying to make it plausible that the
slave-owning class they represented would continue
to rule indefinitely. Criticism by Heraclitus'
opponents spread his ideas and allowed them to
influence later generations.
Hegel's Big Contribution
The last major figure in the development of dialectical
philosophy before Marxism was the
German philosopher G. F. W. Hegel, who died in
1831. Hegel understood that he was following in
Heraclitus' footsteps and wrote that "there is no
proposition of Heraclitus which I have not
adopted in my logic."
Hegel was inspired by the French revolution
and worked closely with people fighting against
the feudal monarchy in Prussia. He saw that conflict
and contradiction are found everywhere, and
that things and processes can only move themselves
forward because they contain contradictions.
While contradictions within something can last
a long time, they move toward their own elimination.
The process of a contradiction eliminating
itself is called "resolution." Hegel argued that resolving
contradictions gives rise to new situations,
which will contain new contradictions that
require resolution.
Hegel made a profound and thorough (but very
difficult) study of contradictions and other topics
in dialectics, and applied these concepts to nature
and society. This was the reason that Marx declared
that Hegel was a "mighty thinker" and regarded
himself as Hegel's pupil.
Despite Hegel's contributions, Marx and Engels
found two serious errors in Hegel's philosophy.
The first was that Hegel was not a
materialist. Materialism says that material objects
and structures are the basis of our thinking about
them, thinking that represents those things more
or less correctly. Our ideas about reality come ultimately
from practical interaction with it.
Hegel did not see matter as the basis of thinking,
but thinking as the basis of material things.
He claimed that thinking is the "essential nature"
of things, that thinking "goes out of itself" into
things, and that "logical reason" holds the properties
of things together and forms their unity.
Marx rejected this idealist view as the reverse of
the truth. He said that Hegel's philosophy was
standing on its head, and needed to be turned over
to stand on its feet, on material reality.
Hegel's second big mistake was directly about
dialectics. Hegel maintained that contradictions
could be resolved in ways that preserved both opposite
sides in a "higher unity," a synthesis that
made them no longer contradictory. Marx argued
that this is dead wrong about contradictions in the
material world of society and nature. These are
resolved by "fighting to a decision," with one
side defeating the other. As we will see in future
columns, this idea is the core of communist dialectics,
with profound implications for the fight
for communism.
Dialectial Ideas in Ancient China
The oldest known Chinese book, the Yihking
(1143 BCE) included the ideas – fundamental
to dialectics — that everything is
always changing and that opposites are interconnected.
Examples included Yang and
Ying, heaven and earth, male and female,
light and dark, strong and weak, father and
mother. Changes in "heaven" and on earth
were explained through the development of
these polar opposites.
The philosopher Lao-Tse (or Laozi) wrote
that "when everyone on earth declares beauty
beautiful, ugliness is thereby postulated.
When everyone on earth recognizes the good
in goodness, thereby is evil postulated. Being
and non-being produce each other. Heavy and
light complete each other. Long and short
compose each other. High and low invert each
other. Voice and tone wed each other. Before
and after follow each other." (around 600
Mo'-ti' (or Mozi), a carpenter and inventor,
brought materialism into ancient Chinese dialectics.
For example, he wrote that "My
view of being and non-being rests on what the
actual experience of the eyes or ears of the
people accept as existent or non-existent, that
is, on what is seen and heard." (around 400
BCE) It shouldn't surprise us to learn that
Mo'-ti' took a revolutionary attitude toward
the ruling class of his time and that he believed
that people could change their circumstances
and direct their own lives.
Next column: Marx and Engels initiated communist