One important contribution of Marx's comrade
Engels to dialectics was his formulation of dialectical
laws as general principles about change. He
said that we should consider the world as consisting
primarily of processes, not ready-made
things. The laws of dialectics describe some of
the features of all processes. As Engels put it, "dialectics
is nothing but the science of the general
laws of motion and development of nature,
human society and thought."
Engels identified three basic laws of dialectics.
In the last column we discussed one of these
laws, called the "interpenetration of opposites."
This law states that opposites are connected in
such a way that the two sides have no sharp separation,
but depend on and modify each other.
More is Different
Another of Engels' laws is the "transformation
of quantity into quality." This means that increasing
or decreasing the quantity of something far
enough will produce a qualitative change. Water
boils or freezes, qualitative changes in liquid
water that take place if the water's temperature is
increased or decreased far enough. Mass mobilization
vastly increases the capability of people
beyond that of a small group. Engels wrote that
"the cooperation of a number of people, the fusion
of many forces into a single force, creates
… a new power which is essentially different
from the sum of separate forces."
Engels' third law is called the "negation of the
negation." Engels also called this the law of "development
through contradiction." The negation
referred to here is "dialectical negation," which
means transforming something into its opposite
as a result of the contradictions that it contains,
destroying it or partially preserving it. A seed
growing into a plant, a process that destroys
("negates") the seed, is a simple example of this
negation. Engels described dialectical negation
as "the true driving principle of all development—
the splitting into opposites, their struggle
and resolution."
The law of the negation of negation says that
when a second dialectical negation follows the
first, the result is always somewhat different
fromthe situation before the first negation. The
plant that grew out of the negation of the seed
will normally produce many seeds, and each is
likely to be somewhat different from the original
This law says that historical change is not reversible
and doesn't go in circles. Engels uses the
example of the development of capitalism in
England, which involved the capitalists seizing
the property of many small producers, which was
a dialectical negation. When the working class
overthrows capitalism, it will seize all the capitalists'
wealth and resources, produced over the
centuries by the working class. This overthrow
will lead to communism, however, and will not
lead back to the original small-scale production.
The second negation produces a new result.
By rejecting socialism, our movement is now
involved in negating the negation. Attempts to
negate capitalism by going through socialism
have all led to defeat. The working class can use
the knowledge that socialism doesn't work to
make the next revolution a fight directly for communism,
negating the socialist attempt to negate
What Makes the Three Laws Be "Laws"?
Engels thought that the three laws are proved
by a large variety of cases from human history
and thought, and from natural science. He particularly
emphasized examples from chemistry and
biology. It is important to understand what he
means by calling these general conclusions
"laws." As Engels (and Marx) used the term
"law," a law can describe a necessary tendency
that is always present but not always fully realized.
Marx's law of the falling rate of profit describes
a constant tendency for the capitalists'
rate of profit to fall, although this tendency can
be temporarily overcome by various means, like
lowering workers' wages.
Enemies of dialectics accused Marx of trying
to deduce that the victory of communism is historically
necessary from the negation of the negation
rather than from the scientific study of
capitalism itself. Engels denied that this is possible
or that Marx tried to do it. Instead, he saw dialectics
as representing a comprehensive view of
the world and a method for "advancing from the
known to the unknown," a tool for understanding
how processes develop.
For more material on Engels' dialectics, see
the articles on the dialectics page at http://ICWPRedFlag.