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International Communist Workers Party

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Red Flag newspaper

Article Series from Red Flag

Communist Dialectics


MTA Workers Discuss Charlie Hebdo Attacks


LOS ANGELES—Talking among MTA transit workers about the armed attack against a group of racist French journalists (Charlie Hebdo) showed that workers had many different opinions. This showed the importance of workers reading Red Flag to have a more scientific communist understanding of worldwide events, because as a scientific communist said, “The point is not just to interpret the world, but to transform it.” Transform it in favor of the international working class.
N: “I think they had it coming, because they constantly mocked the Muslim  religion and its caricatures were not innocent dolls but racist and nationalist propaganda of the French government. The dead were not white doves.”
G: “I’m sure that this attack was not accidental, nor perpetuated by a group of crazies who are isolated and disconnected from reality. These militant Muslims represent the interests of the rich Arabs in the struggle to dominate the world.”
W: “This act of terrorism was organized to create hysteria against the Islamic religion, and also to push a feeling of hatred and revenge. With the idea of brainwashing and at the same time to win the hearts and minds of the working class, so that they support the war that is coming, with the excuse of fighting against Al Qaeda and ISIS.”
J. “Look, these groups are nationalists, fighting for national liberation, and the leadership uses religion to motivate them and make them believe that what they are doing is good and justified, even though the tactic they used is the bosses’ terrorism. Because nationalism is bourgeois ideology. If you saw the news, there were representatives of different fascist governments, crying hypocritically condemning terrorism. But tell me for how many years Central America and other areas have lived under mass and individual terror unleashed and led by the champions of democracy, the USA. That’s why I say that democracy and terrorism are the same.”
As we can see, every day a series of events are woven together that progressively and unstoppably are leading us to a global catastrophe. Political and military actions perpetrated in the name of democracy or religion are smokescreens to justify and confuse the world’s working class. But let there be no doubt that the massive bombing of thousands of men, women, and children in Iraq and Afghanistan, all in the name of democracy  is far more massive terrorism than the terrorist attack on the journalists in France in the name of religion.
That is why in the discussion we concluded that terrorism and democracy are two sides of the same coin, capitalism. That’s why there is a constant struggle with these workers to join ICWP and help us with the mass distribution of our newspaper Red Flag to mobilize the masses for communism, as the only answer to the bosses’ terrorism. We invite the workers in this discussion to read the articles in this issue about these events and let us know what they think of the analysis.

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Paris “Unity March” Shows:

US Increasingly Isolated in Inter-Imperialist Conflict

As 1.6 million people gathered in Paris to protest the attack on Charlie Hebdo, about forty world leaders gathered in an empty street far away for a “display of unity” photo op. 
These so-called “anti-fascists” were led by French president Hollande, who has worked through Qatar to arm and support violent Islamist groups in Syria and Libya.  He marched with the racist warmonger Cameron, Prime Minister of Great Britain and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, financial disciplinarian of Europe.   Russia sent its Foreign Minister.
Netanyahu of Israel came with blood on his hands from mass murders in Gaza.  He linked arms with President Keita of Mali, who ensures France’s supply of uranium for its nuclear plants while millions of workers in central Africa die slow and painful deaths from breathing the radioactive dust.
Qatar and the fascist Saudi ruling class, which has armed ISIS, also sent high-level representatives. These governments viciously exploit immigrant workers, including Muslims.
Notably absent was US President Obama, or even Vice-President Biden, or Secretary of State Kerry (who was busy in India, preparing for Obama’s visit in late January).  Instead, the US sent the Ambassador to France, a ceremonial position usually awarded as a prize to large campaign contributors.

Behind the Scenes:  Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
The minimal US presence at the Unity March reflects its increasing isolation amidst sharpening inter-imperialist rivalry.  France, Germany and several other European countries have openly challenged the US-led sanctions of Russia following its land-grab in Ukraine.  Germany and France have blocked US-led moves to include Ukraine and Georgia in NATO.  German Chancellor Merkel has rejected this possibility outright. 
On January 5, two days before the Charlie Hebdo attack, the French and German governments were planning a four-country meeting on Ukraine that would eventually ease European sanctions on Russia.  French President Hollande gave a detailed interview attacking US-led sanctions:  “I think the sanctions must stop now.”    Hollande also urged the West to stop threatening Russia.
During the Ukraine crisis, Germany was initially reluctant to follow the US lead on sanctions.  However, after the downing of the Malaysian airplane, Germany yielded to US pressure.  German vice-chancellor Gabriel said, “The goal was never to push Russia economically or politically into chaos.  Whoever wants that will provoke a much more dangerous situation for all of us in Europe.”  Most of the European sanctions are due to expire in June of 2015.
The timing of the Charlie Hebdo attack, just as Germany and France were preparing to ease the sanctions, has led some analysts to infer that US forces were behind the attack.  Whether or not that’s true, the US is clearly desperate to find ways to isolate Russia from the Europeans.  They fear that Europe, led by Germany, would enter into a formidable alliance with Russia and China.
That would create a nightmare scenario for the US ruling class.  It threatens whatever influence the US has left in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.  It means that world war is inescapable.  The US rulers may well decide that they have nothing to gain by trying to delay it.  
As the global capitalist crisis deepens, the bosses are preparing for us to kill and die in their deadly imperialist profit wars.  But millions of workers around the world are refusing to be victims.  We can and must mobilize the masses, especially industrial workers and soldiers, now, for communist revolution.