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BOEING CONTRACT: No to Extortion!





RED FLAG Article Series

Communist Dialectics


South Korea Rail Strike

The Revolution is Not a Popularity Contest

MTA: "Clicking Together Against the People"

Know Your Enemies: Capitalism and Reformism

When the Elephants Fight, the Grass Gets Trampled!

Communism Will Destroy Capitalist Education System

Frederick Engels Advances Dialectics

Communist and Capitalist Culture

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Boeing Contract Set-Up Unmasks Capitalism, Sparks Communist Growth

SEATTLE, WA, January 3 — Boeing workers were set up to lose the battle against the concessionary contract. Industrial workers everywhere have much to learn from this two-month struggle. Our Red Flag networks in the plants, and other comrades, took modest steps toward winning the war against capitalist exploitation. Our final victory depends on expanding the struggle for communist answers with our new friends on the shop floor.
The many tentacles of capitalist control were on display for all to see during this contract battle. This pact chains 32,000 blue-collar workers for another 11 years without the "legal right" to strike.
New-hire wages will fall below the minimum wage during the last years of this contract. Defined pensions are gone while medical costs skyrocket. Wages will increase a paltry one percent every two years, far below inflation.
The contract extension was accepted by a margin of only 600 votes out of 23,900 cast. After a similar contract was rejected 2 to 1 in early November, the bosses brought out their big guns.
Every politician that the union had supported lined up to condemn our initial rejection on all the media outlets. The governor, the US senator, the local mayors and state representatives all demanded we cave into Boeing's extortion the second time around.
The politicians and the media set us up, but so did our own union officials. The international union betrayed us, but so did the local leadership and the ideology of trade unionism. The pro-business "right to work state" crowd did its worst, but so did the liberals and fake-left, "we need a more militant union" crowd.

Hypocrisy was also on display for all to see.
The local union administrative assistant Jim Bearden criticized "the politicians, the media and others" who had "no right to get into our business" when he announced the final vote tally. But the union enabled these politicians with $millions of our union dues. Then they absolved themselves of all responsibility when these office holders attacked us.
Despite Bearden's words, the union will return to the election game because the pro-capitalist strategy inherent in trade unionism will allow no other course.
The union preached partnership with the Boeing bosses for decades. Then they acted surprised when the rank-and-file was caught unprepared for the viciousness of these very same capitalists. The front-page article in the union's contract vote special edition said, "We can share in the company's prosperity and make everyone a winner." Talk about leading people into a trap!

Breaking Through
The company made record profits this year. It has the biggest backlog in history. When asked why they are demanding take-backs now, the bosses replied that their profits came from past orders.
The company says it is selling new orders at a fifty percent discount. They are trying to lock up commitments before new manufacturers like China come online. The only way they can make profits at these prices is by attacking us. Such is the nature of capitalism: too many bosses making too many products that can't be sold.
Trade unions, contracts and votes cannot deal with this naked capitalist exploitation. The communist solution is to replace production based on profit and sale with production that fulfills the requirements of our class. Collective struggle to produce for our material, cultural and psychological needs must replace exploitation. Over a thousand Boeing workers have read Red Flag articles advocating communist answers like this over the last two months, including hundreds in the last two days. Our networks have expanded 25%, chiefly among new hires. A few have ordered subscriptions, while others have come to social activities and committed themselves to come to our next meeting.
All this will help in the long struggle to replace legal economic strikes with illegal political strikes against capitalism and for communism. As masses around the world rebel, we will have to push aside the traditional trade union approach. We will have to learn how to fight all the tentacles of capitalist control and cut off the monster's head by mobilizing the masses for communism.
Join us to make this happen. Next issue will feature expanded communist discussions on the shop floor.


Workers in Cambodia Need to Fight for Communism to Destroy Murderous Capitalism

January 7, 2014—More than 400,000 mostly women garment workers in Cambodia are in rebellion against their working and living conditions. The general strike of the 600,000 people who work in the garment industry has as its main demand a wage increase to $160 a month. The average wage now is $80, and the government and the bosses are offering an increase to only $95 a month. These workers labor for multi-million dollar companies like GAP, Nike, H&M, Adidas and Puma.
The strike and the massive demonstrations of students and other workers supporting it have been attacked by the government. Several people have died, and many others have been arrested and tortured. Nevertheless, the anger and courage of the workers are much stronger than capitalist terror. The working and living conditions of these workers are similar to those of garment workers in Bangladesh, Mexico, El Salvador and Los Angeles. We must support these workers by fighting to destroy the capitalist system and build a communist society based on political commitment and producing collectively to satisfy the needs of the international working class.

Interview With a New South African Comrade:

Writing the Obituary of Capitalism in South Africa

A new comrade in South Africa talked to us about building the revolutionary communist movement there. This is the second part of his response.

Revolutionary greetings, comrades and friends! Let me take this opportunity to thank you (ICWP) for welcoming me into your ranks. We can build the party in South Africa by forming party cells in each of the nine provinces using Red Flag as a source and guiding document.
We will write articles for Red Flag about South Africa in every issue from now on. As you can see, the African National Congress- led alliance and government have been administering capitalist rule on behalf of the Randlords (the bosses who control the diamond and gold mining industries) and Wall Street for the past nineteen years. The current National Development Plan is the harshest form of Growth, Employment and Redistribution plan and all other previous policies to date. Having established these party cells, we must make sure that they are functional to organize and popularize our party. In a nutshell, we must look at the Russian experience, amongst others. The revolutionary theory teaches us that, 'no two systems can co-exist; if this were to happen, one system is bound to read the obituary of the other.'
Seventy five years after the Russian Revolution, we've all witnessed the dramatic collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-92. The experience in China is that the only revolutionary class capable of leading the revolution to its conclusion is the working class. Socialism kept the wage system and that brought capitalism back with a vengeance.
The goals of finally achieving communism are concrete and realizable. Capitalism is a crisis- ridden system. It plunges from one crisis to the other. It is incapable of solving the socioeconomic condition it creates. If it cannot solve the crisis it creates, it must perish with it.
I think that it is the revolutionary duty of every cadre to take the revolutionary ideas to the masses and that is inevitable. Let me say that the revolutionary ideas/theory must have a grip or hold on the masses. Together they form a conquering force. A material force can conquer a material force. Revolutionary ideas/theory having a grip or hold on the masses become a material conquering force to defeat a capitalist material force.
We must struggle against the obstacles to building a communist movement, which are our own weaknesses as a movement. We must identify our own weaknesses, confront and deal with them and not hide them or pretend they do not exist.
I can contribute in the struggle by using the invaluable experience one has accumulated over more than three decades of struggle.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com