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International Communist Workers Party | |
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SEATTLE, WA--In a company-wide webcast, commercial airplane head Ray Conner announced Boeing would begin to lay us off. It’s been the topic of discussion everywhere on the shop floor and at union meetings.
“The question is whether this is a God-given cycle like the bosses’ economists say or whether communism can eliminate these attacks,” asked a comrade in one of the many discussions the Party participated in.
“Yeah, you’re right!” said a Red Flag distributor, waving his finger to emphasize the point.
Factories organized under communist principles will never lay off. If we decide we need less of something, we’ll shift production without worrying about profits.
Capitalist “efficiency” demands cutbacks. Communism’s great strength lies in mobilizing masses to solve society’s problems.
“The company is in big trouble,” commented another friend. Conner “forgot” to mention that the US government Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating Boeing for cooking the books.
“The crime of cooking the books pales before the crime of having them,” added our comrade.
“If those books drive company policy, we always get the shaft,” added another veteran employee to younger workers gathered around.
Communist factories will be driven by the needs of our class. No financial ledgers, only real products produced for real needs!
The bosses’ media tells us the SEC will ride to the rescue. In fact, the SEC is part of the problem, not the solution. The problem is that finance dictates what can and can not be produced.
Under communism, we won’t have regulatory agencies like the SEC. There will be no financial superstructure to regulate. Instead, the party will mobilize masses of workers to guarantee that our society produces what we need when we need it.
Communism Unleashes Our Potential, Builds Anti-Racist Unity
Conner started his dog-and-pony show by celebrating 100 years of aerospace innovation. To continue to innovate, the company needed to (you guessed it!) lay us off to get more cash.
The cliché that capitalist competition spurs innovation is garbage. The first thing Boeing decided to do was to shut down the composite manufacturing centers. These areas develop new composite manufacturing processes. The cost won’t allow the bosses to innovate anymore.
“Actually,” another joked, “they’ve been quite innovative with the books. That’s the kind of innovation they’re talking about!”
Communism will build collectivity. Collectivity will consistently spur innovation by unleashing the creative potential of the working class. If it’s good for the masses, we’ll find a way to do it.
“The company had great success with the “partnering for success” initiative,” Conner bragged. Boeing drove subcontractors to create “efficiencies.” Now it’s the heritage plants’ turn (read: layoffs in Boeing’s own factories).
“Partnering for success” is a racist program that intensifies super-exploitation. Larger percentages of black and latino/a employees work in subcontractors. They often pay little more than minimum wage. Working conditions are shockingly unsafe. And like all racist attacks, it has ended up hurting all workers.
Under communism, it won’t matter where you work. There will be no need to divide subcontractor workers from those in heritage plants; black and latino/a from white. No super-exploitation because we’ll eliminate the exploitative wage system. Everyone will be provided what they need. In return, we will ask all to contribute, both physically and mentally.
Indeed, we will no longer have companies. Work will be done collectively wherever we deem necessary. Company will not compete with company. Worker will not compete with worker. No legal or illegal; no foreign or domestic. More workers will only mean more helping hands, not competition.
Concrete Communist Answers
These discussions showed that many workers aren’t fooled by the bosses’ lies, particularly when we share experiences. Illusions about capitalism don’t hold most back from joining the party; it is hesitancy about communism.
Our Red Flag seller is right. The party’s main job is to show how communism will eliminate attacks like these and how it will succeed. More will join us when we do.
Many workers have good bullshit meters. They want real solutions to concrete problems. Communist production and organization give us an opportunity to provide those answers. Immediately we have to circulate this article in Red Flag far and wide to develop the fight for these ideas.