Pamphlet on Dialectics (.pdf)
Collection of Dialectics Articles (.pdf)
(Revised Sept. 27, 2014, now 1.1 megabytes)
Collection of Dialectics Articles (.html)
(Revised Sept. 27, 2014, now 1.2 megabytes)
Series on the History of Dialectics (.pdf)
(Revised March 1, 2016, .8 megabytes)
Second Collection of Dialectics Articles
(Large File, Approximately 2.7 megabytes) |
Individual Red Flag Articles on Dialectics:
Dialectics: The Communist Philosophy of Struggle, I (
pdf) (html)
Dialectics: The Communist Philosophy of Struggle, II (
pdf) (html)
Dialectics and the Struggle Against Revisionism (
pdf) (html)
Revisionism and the Dialectics of Inner-Party Struggle
pdf) (html)
Communist vs. Socialist Dialectics
(pdf) (html)
Quality and Quantity
(pdf) (html)
Negation of the Negation
(pdf) (html)
Revisionism and the Negation of the Negation
(pdf) (html)
Communist Theory of Knowledge: Part I: (pdf) (html)
Communist Theory of Knowledge: Part II: (pdf) (html)
Communist Theory of Knowledge: Part III: (pdf) (html)
Communist Theory of Knowledge: Part IV: (pdf) (html)
Communist Materialism: Part I
Communist Materialism: Part II
Communist Materialism: A Workers' Discussion
Communist Materialism: Thinking Like a Worker
Communist Materialism: Part III
Communism, the Ideology of the Working Class
Dialectics of Opposition
Transitions into Opposites
Possibility and Actuality
Dialectics Study Group Discussion #1
Dialectics Study Group Discussion #2
Universal, Particular, and Individual, Part I
Universal, Particular, and Individual, Part II
Universal, Particular, and Individual, Part III
Workers vs. Bosses: Fight to the Finish
Dialectics and the Euro Crisis
Freedom is the Mass Mobilization for Communism
Dialectics of Appearance and Essence in Elections and Soccer
Dalai Lama: Anti-Struggle Philosophy Aids the Bosses
Soldiers discuss dialectics
Why Communism Can Win
Laws of Motion of Capitalism
The Bosses Don't Want us to Learn Revolution from History
You Can't Get to Communism Through Socialism
What We Know Now and What We Don't Know About Communism
Why Communism Can Win (All 4 columns in pdf)
Why Communism Can Win (All 4 columns in html)
Applying Dialectics to the New Mass Movements (pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, I: Dialectical Thinking Before Marxism
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, II: Learning Dialectics From History
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, III: Marx on How Contradictions are Resolved
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, IV: Frederick Engels Advances Dialectics
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, V: Frederick Engels on the Laws of Dialectics
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, VI: Engels' Contributions to Dialectics
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, VII: Why Philosophy Matters: Revolution vs. Reform
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, VIII: Fighting for Dialectics Against Revisionism
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, IX: Dialectics and Politics Go Hand in Hand
(pdf) (html)
History of Dialectics, X: Lenin's Fight for Objective Truth
History of Dialectics, XI: Lenin Fights for Materialism
History of Dialectics, XII: Lenin and Reflection
History of Dialectics, XIII: Lenin on the Dialectics of Catastrophe and Revolution
History of Dialectics, XIV: Summing Up Lenin's Ideas on Dialectics
History of Dialectics, XV: Mechanist Philosophy in USSR
History of Dialectics, XVI: More in Mechanist Philosophy in the USSR
History of Dialectics, XVII: Soviet Russia in the 1920s: Rediscovery and Development of Dialectical Materialism
History of Dialectics, XVIII: All Contradictions are Antagonistic
History of Dialectics, XIX: The Contradictions of Socialism
History of Dialectics, XX: Stalin's Dialectics
History of Dialectics, XXI: The Development of Communist Dialectics in China
History of Dialectics, XXII: Mao's "On Practice"
History of Dialectics, XXIII: Mao Zedong's "On Contradiction," Part I
History of Dialectics, XXIV: Mao Zedong's "On Contradiction," Part II
History of Dialectics, XXV: Mao Zedong's "On Contradiction," Part III
History of Dialectics, XXVI: Mao's Later Dialectics, Part I
History of Dialectics, XXVII: Mao's Later Dialectics, Part II