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International Communist Workers Party

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Red Flag newspaper

Article Series from Red Flag

Communist Dialectics


Young Comrade Talks With Students About Communism


LOS ANGELES--A young comrade from El Salvador, member of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP), visited a high school here. He spoke to well over a hundred students about how communist society will be.
He emphasized that there will be no different social classes. No one will be rich or poor in a society where everyone can work in what they like to do and at their capacity. Everyone will learn and teach at his or her own capacity. Everyone will help each other.
He also talked about how capitalism, in search of profits, is destroying the world. With communism we will all be united and live as one, as a single group that will protect itself from any possible bad thing or conflict that could come. Together we will protect our planet.
He reported on how workers in India and other places are joining ICWP and how they want Red Flag there.  People in these places are joining the efforts to mobilize the masses for communism.
The students had questions about communism, like what would happen with guns, drugs, with criminals or even lazy people.
The weapons will be needed to carry out the revolution and defend it from any attack. In full communism they will no longer be necessary. Drugs and their development will have a scientific basis and will be used for the wellbeing of the people not for profit. The material basis of crime will disappear because private property, wages and inequality will no longer exist.
One student said things would be the same or even worse because everyone would have to work to get what they need like it is now. They won’t be able to get for themselves any other things they want. Since people will only receive what they need. And then he added that it would be worse because there will be no laws and therefore, everyone would do whatever they want.
The comrade replied that there are many people today who do not have what they need even though they work. With communism we will be in charge of everything. We will work for ourselves and there will be no bosses.
He added that laws exist to protect capitalist relations of exploitation (the boss and worker relationship), of private property and profits. With communism there will be no laws but communist relations that will be reinforced with the collective struggle in all aspects of planning, work and distribution. Communist principles such as from each according to their commitment to each according to his or her need will guide this new society.
His visit inspired many students in the communist movement. He opened their minds to think about things bigger than themselves and what is possible
Students were very interested in Red Flag and want to know more about communism. They understand that through Red Flag we are getting to know more people, tearing borders down and creating a new world where no worker will be illegal. Red Flag focuses us not only in the present but in the future.
Many are considering joining ICWP, others have recommitted themselves and more will be helping to distribute Red Flag to their peers and neighbors. They will help organize for May Day and bring a big communist contingent.

Janitors In Struggle Need to Fight for Communism

LOS ANGELES, March 8—Today unionized Janitors demonstrated in front of the Century City office buildings that they clean. They are continuing to fight for a new labor contract. Their demands include more respect for women janitors who face mistreatment and sexual harassment by the bosses. They are also demanding higher wages.
Over 350 of them gladly took Red Flag, which exposed the fight for reforms as futile. We denounced trade unionism as a bosses’ ideology to keep workers fighting for crumbs while perpetuating their wage slavery. A labor contract only justifies and legalizes this bosses’ wage slavery.
Instead, we call on them to fight for a communist world where everyone will have our needs met and we all will do both mental and manual work. No one will only clean up after others, and no one will ever again be a servant or the boss of others.
We invite the janitors and all workers to join ICWP and help mobilize for a Communist May Day!

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