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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Men and women workers and students are furious about the horrors of capitalism. They are looking for an alternative. From South Africa to India, from Mexico to the US, from El Salvador to Spain to Afghanistan and beyond they are asking:
“How can I join the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP)?” “Can you send me Red Flag to distribute?” “How can I help build the communist revolution?”
Thousands of workers, soldiers, students and professionals, on every continent, in more than 35 countries, regularly read Red Flag and our other communist literature. They receive it directly from our hands, or by mail or online.
Dozens have joined ICWP, organizing collectives of communist study, Red Flag distribution and participation in the class struggle. Hundreds and possibly thousands more are thinking about doing the same.
The masses are rising up and building a future by fighting for communism. Our class is showing its unwavering ability to struggle. Despite our failures—and learning from them—it is determined to fight directly for communism and to build a society without money, or borders, or imperialist wars. This shows that we will win!
We will not betray our class. On this May Day we raise high the red flags of communist revolution! Let our battle cry—fight for communism—be heard in every country where we are!
We ask that you fight for this bright future by joining and building ICWP
Joining ICWP means becoming part of or building a collective to discuss and distribute Red Flag, mobilizing for communism in class struggles and contributing financially what you can.
Lenin said that capitalism was a “horror without end” and every day proves him right. Wars in Syria, Nigeria and elsewhere include open skirmishes between world powers that can lead to a third World War.
Today more than 60 million are refugees. Over 800 million people are hungry and 1.6 billion lack adequate housing. One in nine has no access to clean water. Over 200 million workers are unemployed amidst a sharpening crisis of overproduction that threatens whole industries.
Open fascism rules in India, xenophobia spreads in South Africa, and racist police violence escalates in the US. The gangs and the governments of Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras massacre our class. Inter-imperialist rivalry for the control of oil and markets means that the threat of World War grows.
These horrors can only be eliminated by destroying capitalism. The Russian and Chinese revolutions tried to do that, but failed because they fought for socialism, leaving money and exploitation intact; in other words, state capitalism.
From this bitter experience, we have learned that we must fight for communism and nothing less.
In communism, the only wars that we will fight will be against the remaining capitalists. Once we have beaten them worldwide, armed conflict will end.
There will be no countries or borders or citizenship. No one will be illegal. Those fleeing capitalist rule will be welcomed, cared for like everyone else, and integrated as comrades.
Society as a whole will take collective responsibility for meeting everyone’s daily needs instead of leaving it to individual families. We will use safe comfortable public transportation instead of spending hours each day walking to work or driving and maintaining private cars.
Learning will be integrated with productive labor for all, throughout our lifetimes, including young people. We will end the capitalist ideology, exams, grades, and degrees of today’s schools.
ICWP will mobilize the masses to provide the best health care, housing and sanitation for everyone. We will insist that these and all social activities will not be segregated by “race,” gender, religion, ethnicity, or caste.
Ending the wage system will strike a fatal blow to sexism and racism, so vital to capitalism. These curses won’t disappear overnight, but the solidarity and comradeship fostered by cooperating to meet human needs will allow us to finally end them.
Communism is the only logical answer to this decaying system.
But how do we get there? The only way is by revolution. This will be a hard fight, but others have made revolutions before us. Winning it requires hundred of millions of communists in ICWP, especially industrial workers and soldiers.
If you like this newspaper, read our manifesto Mobilize the Masses for Communism and the pamphlet To End Racism, Mobilize the Masses for Communism on our website. Then join ICWP and help bring revolution closer. Closer still when you recruit co-workers, friends, relatives, and build ICWP collectives!
Read and distribute Red Flag! Write for it and support it economically!
Long Live May Day! Long Live ICWP!
Long Live Communism!