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International Communist Workers Party | |
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From India: “Revolutionary greetings! We have a world to win. We will make a world free of oppression, racism, sexism, where there will be no borders. We need to get rid of the disease of nationalism and become true internationalist revolutionaries. The world is ours. A revolution is driven by feelings of love. A lot of love to all the comrades of International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP)!”
From South Africa: “Hello my fellow ICWP comrades all around the world. I started with the African National Congress in the 1950s. I had misconceptions about communism but now I am very clear about communism, thanks to ICWP and the very informative Red Flag. Forward with the struggle, forward!”
From El Salvador: “With the power of the factory workers of San Marcos, with the sweat of the farmworkers of Morazán, with the energy of the youth of the capital, we send a greeting with the left fist raising high the Red Flag. Long live the working class! Long live ICWP!”
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We come from the masses who lived for some 70,000 years in pre-class communism, sharing everything without bosses or any kind of money.
We come from the oppressed classes – slaves, serfs, workers – who have defied adversity and still do today. When society divided into classes they waged relentless and heroic struggles against the oppressors: the slave masters, the kings and nobles and the capitalists, our modern wage-slave masters.
We are inspired by our predecessors in 17th century Brazil who were enslaved but rebelled, escaped and set up a society where they shared everything. They collectively produced for need without money. But they tried in vain to bring back pre-class communism. Our future lies in scientific communism.
We have learned much from the scientific communists of the 20th century.
In 1912, there were only a handful of Russian communist organizers. When the First World War broke out, they called on the soldiers to turn the guns on the government. The Czar accused them of being traitors. The workers stoned them in the streets.
But the communists did not despair. They patiently organized until millions of soldiers and industrial workers followed their leadership and took state power in the first-ever socialist revolution.
Nine comrades founded the Chinese Communist Party. What could they do in a land of over 450 million? But our class responded to their call. Eventually the Party and its Red Army of millions defeated the Japanese invaders and the Chinese bosses and took power.
Today we are a small party as Russian communists were in 1912 and Chinese communists were in 1921. Size is important. We need millions to win communism and more to build it. But we have two big advantages that they didn’t have: First, ICWP was founded as an international party. And second, we have their experiences to build on.
Today we know that only the masses mobilized directly for communism can build the global society we need. We are confident that we will grow and win because we have learned from the millions who fought before us and we continue to learn from the masses.
We have learned especially from those in China who fought during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to transform socialism into communism. Their struggle failed but it taught us to fight directly for communism and nothing else. At its best it showed that we can produce and share everything collectively without money, privilege or any economic incentive.
Today we have readers in 35 countries and counting and organizers in 11. More and more workers and youth are disgusted with capitalism and inspired by the communism they read about in Red Flag. In this issue you can read about our work in South Africa, where two new clubs–one of students, one of workers–have formed, and about the first ICWP May Day activities in xx locations in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. We are growing modestly in the Americas and Europe.
Today the world’s workers are facing a global capitalist crisis of overproduction. This is accelerating a build-up to a third World War. The conflict between the US and Russia is sharpening from Syria to the North Sea. The US, Russia, and China have entered a new nuclear arms race to produce “small” nuclear weapons they are preparing to use.
Where we are going is to turn the bosses’ wars into a revolution for communism. Again we call on soldiers to turn the guns on the imperialists and fight alongside workers, this time for communism.
We are going to build a mass party, especially among industrial workers and soldiers. Factories, barracks, neighborhoods and schools must become centers of political struggle for communism.
We are going to build more communist collectives to read, write for and distribute Red Flag. To develop more communist leaders, women and men. To confront racist terror by mobilizing for communism. To unite workers of different “races” and encourage the super-exploited to become communist leaders of all workers.
The collectives we build today will become the basis of communist workers’ power in the future.
Where we are going is to a classless society where everyone is welcome everywhere. Where the masses will collectively find communist solutions to all the problems capitalism has caused. Where all have shelter and food, comradeship and meaningful work.
We are going to reclaim the best of pre-class communism and take it to a new level. The masses will use and develop our scientific understanding to consciously shape the world we long for: a world where the lives of workers and our children will be valued and cherished above all else.
Come with us! Join ICWP!