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International Communist Workers Party | |
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LOS ANGELES, CA—On May 5th Hillary Clinton visited the campus of East Los Angles College to a huge turnout of supporters, but not everyone was so ecstatic to see her. Protestors outside included supporters of Bernie Sanders, nationalists, protests of Clinton’s backing of the corrupt Honduran government that assassinated Berta Cáceres and lots of people looking for answers.
The ruling class wants us to believe that we need to vote in an elected official to solve our problems. But the reality is that we keep ending up with the same contradictory system that creates poverty, homelessness, war, and millions going hungry around the world. Bernie Sanders is supposedly the compromise because he is a socialist who still clings to capitalism in the end. ICWP encourages workers to fight for a system where we take state power and own the means of production. This will take a communist revolution—not elections.
The processes of communist decision-making must emphasize open, principled struggle. The communist society that we envision will not have elections at all. We envision a world where decisions are carried out collectively by a mass communist party that discusses the interest of the international working class who will also be responsible for struggling to produce the answers and make these big decisions. We encourage all workers regardless of educational level to participate in these conversations. There will be only one class and we will have all of each others’ interests at heart because we will fight to protect the collective and expand and defend the revolution. The ruling class wants us to believe we aren’t fit to handle these types of decisions—that we need elected officials to save us.
Whose Interest?
ICWP was on the ground in during the protest at East LA College distributing Red Flag and hoping to provide answers and most importantly our communist politics to the mostly student-run protest.
“Clinton is openly pro-war,” said a student. “Sanders at least voted against US involvement in Iraq.” We replied that Sanders supported the US invasion of Afghanistan and says that he will be relentless in combating terrorists. That doesn’t sound any more like a peace candidate than Obama, under whose watch the US has killed hundreds of civilians in drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
“The FBI should arrest Clinton for using her private e-mail when she was Secretary of State,” said another upset student to a comrade who pointed out that this conflict between Hillary and the FBI was a conflict within the ruling class and neither side shares out interests. The question of whether Hillary is trust worthy or not as a candidate came up a lot during the discussions at the protest, but we argued that workers can’t trust any politician. They promote the interests of the capitalist class—which are always opposed to the interests of the working class.
Trump’s campaign has sharpened fascist and openly racist ideology among a sector of American workers. At the same time, young people have been won to participate in the political process to stop Trump. The ruling class wins when the working class is convinced to choose the “lesser” of two evils, which would be either Bernie or Hillary.
Hillary Clinton ended her speech with promising the workers and students who attended her rally that they can win the race for the White House. Outside on the street, students were eager to learn about our politics, took Red Flag and gave donations. If Hillary Clinton could rally up support to try and win the Democratic nomination, ICWP can and will work twice as hard to build a mass communist party as we struggle to build confidence in ourselves to defeat capitalism at its root. Although Bernie Sanders has some young workers and students fooled with his progressive liberal stance we know that the only people who can truly save us are ourselves—the working class.