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International Communist Workers Party | |
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With this issue the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) launches a campaign to engage many more of our members and friends in the production of this paper.
The struggle to advance the political line of ICWP in theory and practice is the lifeblood of the Party’s work. We know that the only alternative to today’s worldwide horrors of capitalism is to mobilize masses for communism.
We know that communism will transform the social relations of production. We will work gladly to produce the goods and services everyone needs, without money or wages. We will enjoy both the collective labor and its fruits, without bosses or markets. We will continue the fight to unite the working masses worldwide with intentional struggles against the racism, sexism and nationalism left over from the capitalist era.
We have learned much from the masses who have already tried to put communist ideas into practice. Especially we urge all comrades to study the Cultural Revolution in China. Examples like these can inspire confidence in us, in our friends and in the masses today.
But there is so much that we do not yet know about communism! We can only learn that by building ICWP into a mass communist party where all members and friends contribute to the development of our political line.
We can’t and don’t rely on a few “theoretical experts.” We don’t separate the “mental labor” of figuring out our line from the “manual labor” of organizing and mobilizing. Uniting “mental” and “manual” labor is a key communist principle.
Producing Red Flag is communist work. It is done by volunteers who also hold jobs, attend school, are communist organizers, have family responsibilities or all of these. Nobody went to journalism school. We all learn “on the job.” Nobody is paid. We contribute in different ways, as we are willing and able. We are all proud of the paper and want it to improve.
But more workers, students and other comrades must help plan, write, edit, illustrate, translate, work on layout, proofread, post online and evaluate each issue of Red Flag.
More of us must donate and help raise the money needed to print Red Flag on at least three continents. Like it or not – and we don’t! – we still live under capitalism.
One goal of this campaign is to double the size of the local collective that produces the paper. Especially we must train younger comrades, and those newer to the party, to do all aspects of the work locally and internationally.
Another goal is to build Red Flag collectives in many areas around the world. These groups could meet once an issue to evaluate the previous paper and make suggestions for the next. They could also help write, edit and translate more articles into more languages.
Accomplishing these goals will take some time. But they will help us make a qualitative leap forward in organizing a truly international mass party.
To make this all possible we need to take a step backward and publish Red Flag every three weeks instead of biweekly, for now.
We will publish more articles on our website ICWPRedFlag.org in advance of the print edition. Some articles may appear as “web only.”
Comrades should take initiative in creating leaflets to respond quickly to local or global issues as they arise. These too can be published on the website for others to read and download to use.
That should also allow us to expand the circulation of the paper. We will all have an extra week for visiting friends who can take bundles of papers to distribute and for doing mass distributions in more locations where this is possible.
There will be more time for Party collectives to do political work and evaluate it. We need many more articles and letters that advance our understanding of communism and what it means to do communist political work. We need examples of “best practices” – but also of not-so-successful efforts – so we can all learn from them.
We look forward to returning to a biweekly schedule as soon as possible, but with a greater level of participation in producing and distributing the paper. Right now, please let us know how you can help.
Forward with Red Flag! Forward!