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International Communist Workers Party | |
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INDIA —A Dalit worker in Mumbai shuts his eyes tight. He takes a deep breath and forces offensive-smelling dark-brown water down his throat. He struggles not to vomit as he tries to quench his thirst with foul-tasting water in 42° C heat (108° F). This water, contaminated with chemicals and harmful bacteria, is a reality for over 350 million workers in India who lack safe drinking water. Five hundred million more have to walk long distances to fetch a bucket of water.
Do the masses need to mobilize for communism just to get clean water? Yes! Communism will unleash the creative potential of the masses to design ways to meet the basic needs of all.
Some 100 km from Mumbai is one of the largest dams in India. The mighty river Narmada, which flowed freely and furiously for millions of years, was dammed at a cost of over US$9 billion in spite of 15 years of mass protests. Thousands of workers, Dalits and others, built that dam and its huge reservoirs. They have no money. They have no water.
The water from the canals flows directly to where the money is. It fills the swimming pools of the rich and feeds large corporate farms. Hydroelectric power brings life to glitzy malls and feeds huge factories.
The Indian government borrowed the money to build the dam from private banks. That money must be repaid with interest wrung from the workers’ sweat and tears. It does not fall from the sky. It comes from the profit capitalists make by employing the working class and paying for only part of their labor. In the case of Dalits, Muslims, other minority workers and women they steal even more.
Those who build the dams and highways, hospitals and homes, who produce food and build cars, live in vast urban slums. They lack sanitation. They spend hours in overcrowded buses to get to jobs where they work over 14 hours a day.
No wonder that millions of workers in India and around the world are questioning the very existence of capitalism. In India, the emergence of a fascist movement and the unleashing of caste discrimination against Dalit people and religious discrimination against Muslim workers have created angry masses of Dalit, Muslim and Hindu workers of all castes.
Communism: The Only Solution to Deadly Capitalism
The International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) is beginning to see unprecedented opportunities to organize masses of workers in India and around the world for communist revolution. Workers and students are joining ICWP. Many copies of Red Flag are distributed.
Masses are thinking about how communism will work and are helping to create a vision of future. We will end the system of wage slavery which enriches the few but creates a life of misery for those who produce the wealth. In communism, money, which makes profit possible, will no longer exist. No banks, no bosses, no cops, no castes, no discrimination based on “race” or religion or gender.
The end of wage slavery will truly unleash the creative potential of the masses. The mass communist party will organize collectively to channel this energy to build communist society dedicated to the needs of the working people.
We will not build dams to support the profits of capitalist factories or farms or to funnel interest to banks. In communism we will have to destroy all these deadly relics of capitalism that devastate the working class and the environment. The hundreds of millions who are denied water today will help design new ways of harnessing water for humanity.
Dalits were once called “untouchables.” They were the most oppressed of all. For centuries they could be killed for trying to get a bucket of water. In communism they will lead the design and construction of waterways to fulfill the need of the working class.
Today’s hungry and starving masses will help produce food and design systems of distribution for feeding humanity. People who are homeless today will help design homes to create a collective, communist culture of sharing. New transportation systems will be built based on the experience of those who today spend many hours walking, driving or riding buses.
In communist society each and every person will actively participate in building and consolidating collective ways of living. Already we see that with growing collectives we can achieve big results. As the comrades in South Africa loudly sing, “When we rule the world, the whole world will be communist.” Join ICWP and help unleash the power of the working class!