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International Communist Workers Party | |
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July 29—A month-long crisis in Zimbabwe reflects the sharpening global crisis of capitalism overall. The corrupt dictatorship of Robert Mugabe has been in power since the 1980 overthrow of Ian Smith’s racist post-colonial regime. It is threatened from without and within. Movements supported by rival imperialists could plunge the country into a civil war in which other regional powers—especially South Africa—are drawn in.
Veterans of the guerrilla struggle, long a pillar of power in Zimbabwe, are deserting Mugabe. Workers and youth are rebelling against food shortages, unemployment, unpaid wages, and corrupt violent police. They shut down Bulawayo and Harare on July 6. This “stay-away” was organized through a social media campaign called #ThisFlag, led by Pastor Evan Mawarire with Zimbabwe’s flag draped around his neck.
Workers Have Only One Flag, the Red Flag!
The ICWP organizes in South Africa and around the world. We fight for communism. We will abolish capitalism, along with its money, wages, markets, and national flags and boundaries. We will mobilize the masses to build a new society, where we will work collectively to satisfy everyone’s needs. We’ll plan what we produce based on what people need. No one will live off of anyone else’s labor. No one will live better than anyone else. Doing away with wage slavery and competition will allow us to finally wipe out racism, sexism and xenophobia.
Communist Revolution: Not National Liberation
Zimbabwe’s masses fought a guerrilla war against Smith’s white supremacist government for more than a decade! During the 1960s and 70s, the Soviet Union, and then China, backed rival guerrilla factions. In 1979, Mugabe’s faction, backed by China, won out. Mugabe has been what China calls its “All-Weather Friend” ever since.
The guerrilla war ended with a settlement negotiated in London. It which guaranteed white capitalists (1% of the population) ten more years of control of Zimbabwe’s land. Mugabe’s party became the administrators of a capitalist state.
In 2000, guerrilla war veterans led a spontaneous movement to evict white land-owners. Mugabe took over this movement. He seized land and parceled it out to his supporters. Capitalist land reform, combined with climate change, has led to mass hunger and a huge decline in agricultural production. The United States and European Union have condemned human rights violations in Zimbabwe and have imposed economic sanctions there.
Mugabe Looks East
Mugabe announced closer trade relations with China in 2003. In December 2015, Zimbabwe adopted the Chinese yuan as its primary international currency. Zimbabwe is an important part of China’s New Silk Road strategy of trade and extraction relations throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Mugabe’s dependence on Chinese support has meant that Chinese-owned diamond mines—up to now—have been exempt from the Zimbabwe’s nationalization of major economic resources.
As the economic crisis deepened this spring, China announced that it would send Zimbabwe 200,000 tons of rice—a pittance compared to the super-profits Chinese capitalists make in Zimbabwe. Meanwhile, Obama increased the masses’ suffering by announcing the continuation of sanctions while fomenting regime change.
Crisis and War
Crisis in Zimbabwe creates an opportunity for the US to back a “spontaneous” movement which could bring to power a more pliable ally. This, however, could lead to a proxy war between rival imperialist powers and pit worker against worker in bloody battle.
Rivalry between the US, the world’s declining imperial power, and China, its rising competitor, is intensifying around the world. Both are expanding their military presence in Africa. China is building its first overseas military base in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa, where the US also has a base.
As the crisis sharpens, several scenarios are possible. China could quietly support one of Mugabe’s lieutenants to takeover for the aged ruler, defusing the crisis while maintaining Zimbabwe’s close ties to China.
On the other hand, the US and the EU seem to be supporting a movement that could plunge Zimbabwe into civil war. Mawarire has fled to South Africa, where he is organizing supporters, mostly from Zimbabwe, for a “peaceful revolution.”
The South African rulers are split. The governing African National Congress supports Mugabe, a former ally in the “liberation struggle.” The trade union federation is supporting the movement against Mugabe.
Workers have no stake in these wars. We need to fight for our own class! A civil war in Zimbabwe could overthrow Mugabe, but capitalism will remain. Zimbabwean and South African workers need communism, as do workers everywhere! This is possible only with a strong International Communist Workers’ Party.
The comrades in South Africa are leading the way in building a mass ICWP. They have already recruited a new comrade from Zimbabwe. The betrayals of the guerrilla struggle, and the threat of imperialist war, are strong motivators to fight for communism. We urge Red Flag readers around the world to join us today!