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International Communist Workers Party | |
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At least 500,000 people have been killed in Syria, including over 16,000 children in a proxy war mainly between US and Russian imperialism vying for world domination.
The horrors these butchers and their allies are inflicting on Syrian workers will only increase as their forces battle for control of the strategic city of Aleppo because as the Washington Post wrote:
“… more is at stake than the outcome of Syria’s war. The Aleppo offensive is affirming Moscow’s stature as a dominant regional power across the heart of the Middle East. The advances by Shiite Iraqi and Lebanese militias are extending the sway of Iran far beyond the traditional Shiite axis of influence into Sunni areas of northern Syria.” (2/14/16)
The oil-rich Middle East has been the corner stone of US imperialism world empire since 1945. Losing it would be its demise. Empires don’t die without a fight.
This orgy of wanton destruction and slaughter can only be justified by a system that puts profits above human lives. The capitalists’ needs to maximize profits make war a permanent and inevitable feature of capitalism.
Only communism worldwide can forever end wars. In a world without money or profits, workers will collectively plan, produce and distribute everything according to need. Markets will cease to exist as nothing will be bought or sold – especially our labor.
In a communist world based on cooperation not competition, workers will have no need for wars or even weapons to be used against other human beings. With no borders or nations, we will collectively share all the world’s resources – no genocidal wars for oil, diamonds or gold or anything.
Communism, however, will require a revolution. Millions of industrial workers, soldiers and youth must join the International Communist Workers’ Party to wage a relentless war to exterminate all the world’s capitalists-imperialists. This will require sending our youth into the capitalists’ armies to mobilize our brothers and sisters in arms to turn the guns around and fight for communism.
Syria shows the urgent need for our readers to join ICWP and help mobilize our class brothers and sisters for communism. It shows the need to understand world events to not be lulled into pacifism, defeatism or blinded by the capitalists’ patriotic propaganda to kill and die for their profits and empires.
These imperialists’ proxy wars will inevitably lead to the eventual clash of their armies on the battle fields of World War III. Putting in perspective the recent advances in Aleppo by the Syrian government backed by Russian airpower, a New York Times editorial painted a clearer picture of this eventual clash:
“President Obama has long refused to approve direct military intervention in Syria. And Mr. Putin may be assuming that Mr. Obama is unlikely to confront Russia in his final months and with an American election season in full swing. But with the rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat of falling to the government, administration officials said that such a response is again under consideration.” (10/9/16)
Commenting on US imperialists’ inability for now to implement their military strategy, the New York Times wrote that “Secretary of State John Kerry complained that his diplomacy [in Syria] had not been backed by a serious threat of American military force… He also spoke of obstacles he faces back home: a Congress unwilling to authorize the use of force and a public tired of war.” (10/01/16)
In its latest edition, Foreign Affairs Magazine, the main architect of US imperial policy, put forward that the solution to this problem is “to empower the state to require involuntary service” emphasizing that “The trick is to make it [the draft] palatable” and to ensure that there are “no exceptions for the well to do.”
Mobilizing so many more reserves, it claims, “would give the population as a whole a stake in an ongoing conflict, Washington’s war thereby becoming the people’s war.”
The article is also a call for action to members of their class, their politicians, mass media pundits, educators and high ranking military officials. Hilary Clinton was quick to pick it up and has taken it to the masses. Showing what her campaign motto “stronger together” really means, on September 30, at a rally in Florida she said:
“Our goal is 5 million people spread across all 50 states” to serve in the proposed National Service Reserves. She said this will help the youth between 18 and 30 years of age put their “differences aside when our country needs us.” She emphasized that, “There is no greater service than serving in the Armed Forces.”
Hillary understands that US imperial needs require global war. She has called for a US no-fly zone in Syria, which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said would require war with Russia. She and others are also calling for US boots on the ground and/or arming Assad’s opposition to kill more Russian soldiers and shoot down Russian aircraft in Syria.
The Syrian holocaust, dubbed a “mini world war,” will pale before the wider wars the capitalists-imperialists are planning. Their crimes are unrivaled in history. Capitalism has nothing to offer but death, destruction and war. Communism is our future. Let’s fight for it!