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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Dear Red Flag,
We are members and friends of ICWP in an industrial city in southern India. The Indian and Pakistani bosses have been beating the drums of ultra-nationalism. They want poor workers and soldiers on both sides to fight each other while the national capitalists in each country try to gain maximum advantage from an unstable and unpredictable inter-imperialist rivalry between China and Russia on one hand and the US on the other.
We are offering the revolutionary communist choice to the masses here. The workers in both India and Pakistan have more in common with each other than with the capitalist bosses who are oppressing us. We have made some contact with ICWP members in Pakistan and in Bangladesh. It was a tremendous feeling of international solidarity to stand as one with our class brothers and sisters. We urge everybody in every corner of the world to reject nationalism and forge a unified working class.
While the Indian bosses were bragging about their so called ‘surgical strike’ in Pakistan, the Indian army for years have been carrying out deadly assaults in the Adivasi areas (native people engaged in agriculture) so that corporates can establish mines for profit. Rape, mass murders, and burning of villages are conducted by the army with advanced weapons.
Our urgent task is to win the masses to build for our party.
—Internationalist comrades
As partially shown above, a group of ICWP members and friends from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan denounced the capitalist class in India and Pakistan as they prepare for possible deadly confrontation.
Nineteen Indian soldiers were killed when they were ambushed by a group that the Indian rulers said came from Pakistan, supported by a Pakistani sponsored terrorist group.
However, the biggest terrorists here are capitalist rulers in India and Pakistan. The fascist rulers of India have slaughtered tens of thousands of Dalit, Muslim and other poor workers. Recently the Indian army carried out mass terror in Kashmir, blinding hundreds of children, women and men. In the mine-rich areas, the Indian military is conducting a deadly assault to clear the area of many Dalit and other oppressed peasants so these areas can be mined for the profit of the rich capitalists.
The Pakistan rulers are not far behind in their bloody drive against the working class. Numerous working class strikes are ruthlessly suppressed. It is estimated that India and Pakistan employ 24 million children between the ages of 4-14 for a few cents a day in hazardous industries including the back-breaking manufacturing of bricks.
The killing of the Indian soldiers was most likely provoked by the Modi government to give it an excuse to drum up nationalism among the masses. In response to this, the Indian army carried out so called ‘surgical strikes’ in Pakistan to destroy terrorist camps. This too, was a publicity stunt to raise a nationalist frenzy.
These skirmishes between India and Pakistan are taking place as the contradictions between Chinese and US imperialists are intensifying. The Modi government has attempted to launch an unprecedented move to place the Indian rulers in alliance with US imperialists. The Indian rulers were hoping to attract huge US investment. In reality, so far the Indian government has only been able to buy arms and make a defense treaty with the US.
Some in the Modi government consider China as their biggest competitor and hope to use the US’ contradiction with China to their advantage. They want to weaken Pakistan and defeat a multi-billion dollar Pakistan China Economic Corridor, a key component of the One Belt One Road policy of the Chinese rulers.
Pakistan is a key player in the imperialist chess game. Its proximity to oil-producing Muslim countries, the former Soviet republics in Asia and the border with China and Afghanistan makes it a valuable ally of imperialists.
The Indian rulers, by launching the ‘surgical strike,’ were hoping to isolate Pakistan but in reality it has back fired. The US support was very guarded. But the most damaging turn of events was a joint Russia-Pakistan army exercise conducted in the area that India claims as its own. Pakistan is a nuclear power also and in response to the current crisis it threatened to use nuclear weapons. It has readied the civilian administration to close freeways to be used as landing strips for the air force in case of a full blown attack by India.
S. Swamy, one of the key members of the Modi’s fascist BJP party, even said that India should be ready to sacrifice 100 million people in a nuclear war with Pakistan. The Indian air force threatened to deploy newly purchased French fighter jets with nuclear weapons along their borders with China and Pakistan.
In response to the Pakistan-Russia joint military exercise, the Indian government conducted a joint India- US training exercise in an area not far from the Chinese border. China, India and Pakistan share some of the largest rivers in the Himalayas and they are all threatening to escalate water wars that can potentially flood areas affecting hundreds of millions.
Proxy wars are already killing millions around the world in addition to creating masses of refugees. The contradictions among the imperialists are heading towards a major world war. Imperialists and capitalist rulers around the world are using ruthless force, racist police and weapons of mass destruction to frighten and intimidate the working class.
Imperialism appears strong now because of its ability to inflict mass destruction. But the strength of imperialism is temporary and it is turning into weakness. This can lead to its eventual destruction by communist revolution. When the international working class realizes that it produces everything and when workers have a clear vision of communism where we will produce for human need and not profit, workers will be open to joining ICWP in huge numbers. We have a huge opportunity to win a growing number of angry, unemployed and employed workers and the soldiers to communism.
To our comrades in India,
We are a group of high school students that are part of an ICWP collective. We read about your situation in Red Flag. It is very inspiring to read about how 180 million people went out in a massive one-day general strike that shut down the entire capitalist system. If millions of workers can do this in one day imagine what one month or even years of mobilization for communism can do. Just as inspiring is the fact that comrades in India in the ICWP joined the massive one-day strike and brought Red Flag and other communist literature to the striking masses. You comrades were able to talk about communism in a mass way! We must not let the flame stop burning, we must continue fighting!
Here in the USA the working masses are rising up against fascism, racist police terror and the killing of Black and Latino workers. Cities, like Ferguson, Missouri and Charlotte, North Carolina, have been taken by the masses to the point that the National Guard has been called out to patrol the streets. In India, the working masses have also risen up against fascism, racist attacks against Dalits and super exploitation. Fascism, racism and super exploitation go hand in hand with capitalism. We must get rid of capitalism to get rid of them.
We are circulating this statement and gathering signatures of international communist solidarity with you comrades in India. We are pledging to distribute more Red Flag newspapers in our area to students, workers and soldiers. We are pledging to visit more factories (see photo) to take Red Flag to workers! We are pledging to recruit more and more people to our International Communist Workers’ Party!
All of us together, students, workers and soldiers all over the world, can build communism. A world with no money, no borders, no racism, no exploitation and no war. There won’t be any rich and there won’t be any poor. We will all learn and work together to satisfy our human needs at all levels. No one will go hungry or homeless. Everyone will contribute based on their commitment and their understanding. Everyone will receive based on their needs. Workers all over the world are the same!
—Young comrades in the United States