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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Will drugs be used for “recreation” under communism? Probably not.
Why do individuals decide to take drugs that harm them, have no medical benefit, and are used simply to “get high?” Even marijuana causes harm (see box). What is missing in the person and/or in society that leads to drug and alcohol abuse and addiction?
It is doubtful that we could ever accomplish a completely abstinent society. However, it is possible to reduce and perhaps eliminate addiction. Most people who use addictive drugs do not and will not become addicted.
Genes and also environment contribute to the likelihood of addiction. It is not possible to change your genetic make-up, but environments can certainly be changed. Would that make recreational drug use okay? Or should we consider why people use drugs at all?
Capitalist society can’t meet fundamental human needs, even those for basic safety, adequate shelter and enough to eat. Instead it offers drugs.
Sigmund Freud is widely quoted as writing that the “two hallmarks of a healthy life are the abilities to love and to work.” He did not see a distinction between work and play. Instead he said we have a basic human need for both. However, Capitalism is a system where work and play are rigidly separated and organized to maximize profits. We grow up learning that there is a time for work and a time for play. And both are separated from learning.
We are supposed to accept that jobs – if we have them – are alienating and oppressive. We are supposed to find our “fun” in whatever time is left after paid jobs and housework. Capitalism pushes us to find “fun” in shopping or paying to consume capitalist culture.
As long as we are forced to live in a system that impedes the fulfillment of our basic human needs, we will search outside ourselves to fulfill our needs.
In communist society we will blend work and learning, as children do in pre-class societies and even in capitalism, before they start school. Learning is a constant process as we can’t help but learn from EVERYTHING we do.
In communism the good health of individuals will be a community concern. Meeting basic human needs will be the priority. Work will be meaningful and enjoyable because we will know we are helping each other. Joy will come from social relationships, not from things.
Under communism we will ensure that all have mental and physical stimulation for good health. When the brain is lacking stimulation because of its physical and social surroundings, brain activity is reduced. Too little stimulation causes stagnation, making drugs more attractive. Under communism no one will be subjected to impoverished communities. Trees, playgrounds, opportunities for creative art and music will be considered necessities, not luxuries only available to a privileged few.
Communists will aim for striking a balance between too little or too much stimulation. Under capitalism many suffer from constant stress. Even small stressors seem like too much stimulation. Drugs again become attractive. Communism will wipe out most of our current every-day stressors, which mainly have to do with survival under capitalism. Everyone will have what they need for healthy development both mentally and physically.
Truly caring about humanity will shape how we treat problems of addiction. We will widely educate people about the harmful effects of drugs. Communism means no money or markets and therefore of course no drug dealers.
Drug use and addiction are useful tools for capitalism. Some capitalists make huge profits from the industry (prescription pills, cigarettes, alcohol). Some push for increased repression (the “war on drugs”). Racist drug laws target minorities and the poor, leading to mass incarceration. The bosses benefit hugely from having a passive population, disconnected from reality, which can be easily attacked.
In communism, as we as a society become healthier the genetic predisposition towards addiction will be reduced. Mental illness, chronic pain and other conditions will be better treated and managed as health care will no longer be based on profits. We will live in communities that truly thrive, with no need to turn to drugs to escape, cope, numb, and/or entertain us.
This article on recreational drugs in a communist society is part of an
on-going discussion in ICWP. We invite further articles and letters from members and friends.
Marijuana: Think Before You Toke
* Someone who uses marijuana three or more times per week is considered a “heavy user.” At this rate the body is storing more THC than it can get rid of. After three months of heavy marijuana use, brain cell membranes become 400 times thicker than they are supposed to be. The brain is significantly slowed because communication between cells is more difficult. In animal studies it took about two years to remove this THC completely out of the brain.
*Marijuana has four times more carcinogens than cigarettes. Any plant that is burned and inhaled carries carcinogens into the lungs. In cigarettes this is called tar and in marijuana it is called resin. Even when smoked through a bong, carcinogens are being inhaled. They can be seen along the pipe as it blackens.
*The marijuana in the market today is 28 to 40 times higher in THC content than marijuana in the market prior to the 80’s. This higher THC content makes marijuana highly addictive. There are clear withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and anger/irritability. Often heavy users do not experience these until one month after the last use.
*Experimental evidence shows that marijuana suppresses the body’s immune system.
* Marijuana affects short-term memory needed for learning. It affects brain receptors necessary for experiencing novelty, and increases the likelihood of psychotic disorders.