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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Nov. 12—Hundreds of thousands are rebelling in the streets of US cities from east to west, north to south, against the election of openly racist, sexist Donald Trump as US President. High school and college students are walking out massively. They are rejecting pleas to “let democracy work.” They see that Trump’s campaign has emboldened gutter racists. It is a step to more openly fascist attacks on all workers.
These developments intensify the need to organize massively for communist revolution. They create huge opportunities to do that. We need millions of workers, soldiers, students and youth LIKE YOU to join and build a mass International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).
In communism as we plan it there will be no wages or money, no private property, no borders. Society will be based on mutual support rather than competition. We all contribute what we can and get what we need.
Everyone will be welcomed everywhere, like the class sisters and brothers that we are. There will be plenty of work for all. Collectively we will plan, produce, build, and distribute everything we workers need, without profits or exploitation. Lifelong education will be integrated with work. Everyone will do manual and mental work.
Voting won’t get us that. Both Trump and Clinton are capitalists. The US government is the chief executive of their class. Its main job is to make the US the #1 imperialist power through the blood and sweat of the workers.
The main job of the working class is to mobilize masses for revolution to overthrow the capitalists’ government and build a communist world.
Communism will enable us to wipe out racism, sexism and xenophobia for good. First, by eliminating wages and with them the whole issue of unequal pay for equal work. Competition for jobs, the material basis for racism and sexism, will be no more. Second, we’ll quickly desegregate workplaces, schools and neighborhoods. No more racist “justice” system or cops. No cops or courts at all. We’ll suppress racist speech and action. No Trumps allowed under communism!
Immigrant and black workers, women and men, give key leadership in this struggle. But revolution cannot win without white workers and youth. They too are ground down by capitalism. They too have everything to gain by fighting for communism.
The capitalist system is in crisis. (see page16). This is the basis of fascism. It attacks all workers ever more fiercely, especially black and latino/a workers but also white workers, especially in the rust belt. Wages are stagnant or falling. Unemployment, drugs and racist police terror plague our communities.
Many white workers, fed up with the “Establishment,” voted for Trump. We must win them politically to join with black, latino/a and other workers as one class to fight for a communist world.
Because capitalism attacks workers of all “races,” the capitalists need intensifying racism. They need to divide us to maintain power and try to prevent the communist revolution that will end their rule.
The cynical rulers want white workers to believe their racist lie that immigrants, black workers, and workers in other countries are “taking their jobs.” But it is the capitalists, including Trump, who have to move their factories to where wages are lowest. They have to use technology to eliminate millions of jobs. They pit worker against worker, using racism, sexism and imperialism to push all wages down.
We must organize all workers against racist attacks on our class brothers and sisters, whether they come from cops or from fascist elements among the masses. Workers as well as students must organize political strikes — for communism!
Trump has called for mass deportations and closing the borders and keeping Muslims out. The Obama administration has already deported record numbers of children, men and women.
The US and Mexican bosses know that mass immigration and the money sent back by relatives in the US help prevent the tinderbox in Mexico from exploding. Mass deportations to Mexico would sharpen the class struggle there and could even lead to revolution.
ICWP comrades in Mexico as well as the US need to step up the work of mobilizing for communism at this critical moment.
In communism, there won’t be elections. Elections divide the working class. They hide the truth that all workers have the same interest: ending capitalism’s wage slavery and building a communist world. Communism will work more like consensus than majority rule.
Real communist leaders don’t give orders or get special privileges. Leaders are those who show in practice their commitment to mobilizing our class for communism. Their main task is to develop millions more communist leaders.
Does a communist world sound good to you? It’s not an impossible dream. We communists have a worthwhile goal and a practical means of achieving it. But we need you and millions more to join and make it happen.