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International Communist Workers Party | |
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LOS ANGELES, CA, November 2016—“Now that the holidays are coming, when we most need money, they lay us off,” said a garment worker from the Koos factory. The same thing is happening in many other garment factories, like American Apparel. The workers have already produced what the bosses will sell in the stores during the holidays and now they are thrown into the street, without the bosses caring that they have families to maintain.
“They also lowered our wages, and they threatened us saying, ‘Accept it or leave,’” commented another Koos worker. The workers’ anger at these attacks is tremendous. But they lack organization and a plan of mass, organized struggle to confront the attacks.
These two workers, a woman and a man, together with 200 more in this factory, regularly take Red Flag. Potentially there are a great number of leaders who can put communist ideas in front and carry out communist class struggle in this factory. These struggles should point to the destruction of racist exploitative capitalism and the building of a communist world without borders, racism, sexism, bosses or money.
Money has no use value. It only represents the value that we and only we produce with our labor power. Money for us represents our hours of work that we have sold to the boss. Money only serves us to exchange these hours of work for the things that we workers ourselves produce: food, shelter, clothing, shoes, health care, etc.
Money is at the same time the chain that ties us to the bosses. If we haven’t sold these hours to them we can’t eat or have a roof over our heads. If we don’t sell our labor, if we don’t submit to wage slavery, we cannot survive.
In a communist society there will be no money. Nothing will be sold and nothing will be bought. Everything will be available to meet the workers’ needs. We workers in power will build decent housing for all. The electricity, water and all services will be free. Each person will contribute according to their capacity and commitment and receive according to their needs.
It will be a new way of organizing all of society, without banks, or bosses, or exploitation. Centers for fun or celebrations will be planned for the benefit of the workers, not for selling for the bosses’ profits.
We will combine manual and mental work. No one will be tied to a sewing machine for 8 or more hours a day. Education will be free and for life. We will all learn to perform different work. We will be farmworkers, garment workers, engineers, doctors, scientists, machinists, and anything else we want. Everyone, especially the leaders, will do manual work. No one will be the boss of anyone, much less anyone’s servant.
This way of living is not entirely new. Our ancestors lived collectively and without money for thousands of years during classless societies, until private property arose and a few began to take over everything while the great majority was left with nothing. Millions of workers before us have also fought, wanting to destroy wage slavery and build a communist life and society.
Learning from their mistakes and successes—especially those of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions—today we have a better plan to organize a revolution and build a communist society. But we need millions of men and women workers like those at Koos. Here we must begin with organizing a club of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) that organizes study groups to spread Red Flag and to recruit more workers to ICWP. Together we will make a plan of struggle inside the factory to organize political strikes for communism.
Everyone interested in participating should contact us by phone (310) 487-7674 or when we distribute Red Flag. Living conditions for all of us are getting worse. Racism, deportations, and the prospect of current and coming wars put our lives in constant danger. We must take our future in our hands and organize the struggle for a communist society. Join ICWP!