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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“Anywhere we go, we must go as communists”
Recently I started to volunteer at a charity that provides low-cost medical equipment to people in need. The workers and other volunteers there are friendly and helpful.
They often have the news radio station on, and last week everyone was talking about the upcoming election. I said a few things, but mostly I listened to others. Just before I left, one young man told me he agreed with a lot of things I said.
The day after the election we were able to have hour-long conversation about it. He told me that he was very worried because his family were immigrants. Plus, he really didn’t like the increase in open racism.
I spoke about how the ruling class uses racism and nationalism to bolster their profits. He said that made sense. He also agreed that it was wrong for workers to blame each other for unemployment and homelessness.
I had a feeling that he was interested beyond reformism. So, when he asked, “What can we do?” I didn’t hesitate to tell him that I believed that communism was the only system that would eliminate exploitation for the working class.
Of course, he had a lot of questions (which is good!) but he was genuinely interested in my answers. When I mentioned some famous struggles in working class history he was upset that he had never heard of them…even though he was a recent college graduate!
Because he is going into the same field of work as I did, we talked about the outrageous cost of healthcare and education. I assured him that in communism people will not have to pay money to get heath care or an education. They will be trained by more experienced workers. Additional training will be done on the job. He especially liked this communist idea.
Next week I will bring him the Red Flag and the pamphlet on fighting racism. And invite him to all upcoming events. This is encouraging. It proves that anywhere we go, we must go as communists.
—Retired Red in Washington State, US
Communist Practice in the Struggle Against Sexism
Recently, in a study group, we discussed the Red Flag editorial on sexism and briefly analyzed how the international situation affects us locally. The group, especially a student couple, talked about life in their communities and how people organize to deal with crime.
The young student couple is beginning a relationship. The topic of sexism was pertinent because it helped to clarify that the commitment of both the man and woman is necessary to make a relationship possible.
Another comrade couple mentioned contradictions in their relationship, but indicated that these should not lead to a separation. They commented that it has not been easy, but the party collective has helped them understand certain processes. They said that in the case of other friends, some women have not been able to establish stable relationships and have been influenced by feminist ideas that a woman can succeed on her own and does not require a companion, more so if it is a man. They affirm that in these times, women no longer have to put up with anything or any one, especially a man. However, in reality, there are women who live alone and have even more conflicts.
We analyzed how capitalist sexist and nationalist ideologies destroy social relations and the bonds of solidarity between people. We also discussed that reformist feminist struggles are illusions that never solve the root of the problem. It is all right to have good feelings or want to change things. However, we must not opt for alternatives that lengthen the process of our liberation. As communists, we must fight for a communist society where both men and women can develop their capacities for the benefit of our class.
We encouraged the young students to make contributions. Every word, every action or the fact that they are listening to us opens the possibility that our revolutionary struggle is strengthened.
Comrades around the world, Red Flag readers, every day the contradictions of capitalism are sharpening. Now more than ever we must open discussions about our political line with friends and relatives. We invite the students to continue participating in building our political line, our Communist society. Join ICWP.
—Comrades in Mexico
Red Flag Responds:
Because of capitalist wage slavery and sexist ideology and behavior, too many women are forced to stay in abusive and oppressive relationships. Women who manage to leave those relationships often face dire poverty.
Compared to that, the number of relationships that are broken up by feminist ideology is relatively small. The main ideology and behavior that disrupts relationships is male chauvinism.
Getting Communist Ideas to Students
I’m the son of Mexican and Central American immigrants, and like many of my peers, I work full time and go to college at night. I joined ICWP right from the beginning when I was in high school and although my participation has had its ups and downs, I’m a communist for life. I want to share an experience I had this semester (before the elections).
I was in a Pan African Studies class, and the professor asked, “How can we get rid of racism?”
Students gave typical answers, such as getting more people of color in the government and making racism illegal and not protected by freedom of speech.
I raised my hand, and said that capitalism is a system that lives off of and thrives from racism. The professor interrupted me and added, “and sexism.” I continued to say that without racism and sexism there is not capitalism, so to get rid of racism and sexism we need to get rid of the whole system.
I saw a couple of students agreeing and nodding their heads as I spoke. The professor was really excited and said, “Wow! That was a very sharp analysis.
The next class I brought our End Racism pamphlet to class and gave copies to five students I felt comfortable with and one to the professor. Her jaw dropped. She said, “Oh! Communism?! This is great. I am going to use this in my “Imperialism in Modern Day Society” class. Thank you! Please bring me more if you can!”
I have given her two issues of Red Flag so far but haven’t had a chance to sit down and really talk to her. It’s also been hard to have longer conversations with students. We haven’t had class since the elections, but I know there will be more conversations about how communism can and will end racism the next time we get together.
—Los Angeles comrade
Getting Communist Ideas to Workers
Recently at the workplace, as we always do, we had a chat with a group of workers. These are my target group, workers that I had identified and been giving all our reading material as a package, together with the DVD video on dialectical materialism.
It has been almost a month or two since I distributed the Red Flags. I specifically wanted to know if any reading has taken place or a video had been watched. After probing these workers intently, I found out that very little or no reading at all has taken place. Also, the video has not been watched due to a broken TV set and a faulty DVD player.
At least this group was honest about themselves. I encouraged them to make a conscious effort to start reading the Red Flags. I would easily see a positive noticeable change if they tried. As a group, we will have to come up with ways and means of overcoming this challenge.
I was motivated and inspired by the articles on Haiti and Bangladesh. I watched the documentary about the plight of the Haitians after the devastating hurricane. After reading the article in the Red Flag, I was pleased to note the accuracy and correctness of the article and above all else the clarity of our political line which puts the blame squarely on racist capitalism not on the natural disaster. Urging the collectivity of workers in overcoming what is perceived as insurmountable.
As a person who likes to read every article I come across, I just read a depressing, confusing, badly written article, but these few articles in the RF changed that mood. I was at home again, brightened up.
Again, the determination of ICWP members in Bangladesh inspires us all.
—A South African Comrade