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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Get off MTA’s property!” barked the undercover Sheriff’s deputy as he drove up to Division 18.
“The sidewalk is public property,” answered the Red Flag distributor.
“Yes, but MTA’s private property starts where the grass begins. Your left foot is past that line,” shot back the cop. Addressing another Red Flag distributor, he screamed, “Get your stuff off the grass!”
“Wow,” said this Red Flag distributor. “You guys are fighting over inches.”
“Yes, they don’t want you on their property. If I see you again, I’ll arrest you!”
Property: a curse on humanity
For tens of thousands of years humanity lived in pre-class communism. There were no borders, no nations, no private property, not even the concept of property. There was no money, no market, and no exploitation. Humans produced and shared to satisfy their collective and individual needs.
The division of society into classes brought this period to an end. This happened with the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. Humans could, on a consistent basis, produce a surplus. Now some could be exploited and their surplus value stolen to enrich a small class of exploiters: slave masters, feudal lords and now capitalists.
Production shifted from satisfying the needs of humanity to satisfying the needs of these exploiters. This required expropriating not only the surplus value but also all the natural resources and means or instruments of production, including the laborer him/herself.
Under slavery the slaves were bought and sold on the market. Under feudalism, the serfs were tied to the land and sold with it. Under capitalism, workers are forced to sell themselves to the capitalists for a certain number of hours a day for a wage; thus the term wage-slaves.
Capitalism coined the terms: Private, public and personal property.
Capitalist economists defined three main kinds of properties: private property (the capitalists’ ownership of the means of production); public property (owned by their governments); and personal property (owned by someone for personal use and consumption).
Public and personal properties hide the fact that almost everything in the world is owned by the capitalists-imperialists who represent less than 1% of the population.
Public property, although paid for by the working masses through taxes, belongs to the capitalists. Their government has the power to grant or deny access to any public institution, land or street. It safeguards their property, private and public.
Adam Smith, an early capitalist philosopher and economist, said it clearly: “Civil government could not exist without property, as its main function is to safeguard property ownership.”
The working masses have “personal property,” possessions that are not used for business. The most common ones may be homes or cars. But we all know that the banker who holds the mortgages to “our” homes and cars actually own them.
Even when paid in full, the house still doesn’t belong to us. If we don’t pay the property taxes, the capitalists’ government will expropriate it and auction it for the taxes owed. If we don’t pay the car’s registration, it will be denied access to the “public streets.”
Communism will eliminate private property and also the concepts of property and ownership.
Today we fight for scientific communism to eliminate ownership so that the masses again share everything for the good of all. In a communist world, the value produced by the masses of workers will be used exclusively for human needs
In communism, nothing will be sold or bought. This will eliminate the notion that “this is mine because I paid for it.” Producing everything collectively will eliminate the concept “this is mine because I worked for it.”
US, MTA bosses and all capitalists fear communist ideas
When the Sheriffs show up at MTA, it is not because the bosses fear that Red Flag distributors will damage MTA’s property. What they fear is MTA workers grasping revolutionary communism and helping to organize the communist revolution that will end wage slavery. The Sheriffs are “protecting” the bosses’ human property from these ideas.
However, the bosses’ cop terror will not stop the working class from mobilizing for communism! Many MTA workers are giving the bosses nightmares by reading and distributing Red Flag. We’ll make their worst nightmare a reality when these workers join an ICWP collective to better plan the downfall of the bosses’ ownership of us and the fruits of our labor!