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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“We tortured some folks,” said Obama last August, “but it’s not who we are.”
WE? Speak for yourself, Mr. Obama, and for the capitalist-imperialist class you represent. And it IS who you capitalists are.
“This isn’t the America I was brought up to believe in,” said a shocked activist.
But it’s the America that has existed since Columbus cut off the hands of indigenous people who didn’t bring him gold. That was built on the backs of brutally enslaved Africans who were mutilated, beaten to death, or burned alive for even minor acts of rebellion.
It’s the America that flogged its own soldiers and sailors during its War for Independence. That lynched black workers and tarred-and-feathered labor, anti-war, and anti-racist organizers into the 20th century. That dropped napalm and Agent Orange on Vietnam and trains Latin American torturers at Fort Benning, Georgia.
It’s the America whose cops Taser unruly black schoolchildren and the mentally ill, and kill, on average, more than a person per day. Whose prisons torture thousands – including children – with long-term solitary confinement.
If US torturers are “patriots,” as Obama’s CIA director John Brennan says, this is the capitalist-imperialist America they defend.
US workers must reject this patriotism and join with workers internationally to destroy imperialism. And not just US imperialism: Every capitalist-imperialist power resorts to torture and terror when its rule is threatened. Every class dictatorship has done the same. The Roman Empire crucified thousands.
It’s time to destroy class society itself by mobilizing the masses for communism.
The greedy butcher Columbus noted that when Arawak people were asked for something, “they never say no. They offer to share with anyone.”
The priest Las Casas described the equality of the sexes in Arawak society. They placed little value on gold. They didn’t buy or sell anything. This form of communism was practiced by most of humanity for tens of thousands of years. Many West African slaves came from such societies, like the Wolof.
21st century communism will learn from the past. We’ll build on humanity’s hard-won knowledge of nature and society. All will work and all will share without money or markets. It will take armed revolution, a violent struggle, to wrest power from the capitalists and start to build communism. This struggle will continue until the whole world is in the hands of the masses.
Class society relies on both ideology and state-sponsored terror so that the few can rule and exploit the many. The threat of starvation is a whip that keeps the masses in line.
Communist classless society will renounce that threat. We’ll provide for everyone’s needs. We’ll rely on ideological struggle and social relationships to organize production and allow our human potential to flourish. That’s who WE really are!
And WE know who THEY really are. So the partial release of the congressional report on US torture should surprise nobody and anger everyone. The Bush administration openly admitted to waterboarding and other forms of torture. The Obama administration refused to prosecute these war crimes.
Movies like “Zero Dark Thirty” and TV shows like “24” tried to justify torture to the masses. Unfortunately, the rulers gained some ground on this. Too many Americans were convinced that it’s “okay” to torture “terrorists,” especially if Muslim or dark-skinned.
But the torture revelations that leaked out have alienated masses around the world. It’s hard for rulers of heavily-Muslim countries, like Indonesia and Malaysia, to openly ally with the US rulers. Even in the US, the Democrats have alienated their base by refusing to prosecute torturers, among other issues.
It seems that the release of a heavily-censored version of the torture report is an effort to undo some of that damage: “We tortured some folks, but it’s not who we are.”
So far, the only ones prosecuted have been the lowest-level torturers (at Abu Ghraib) and the CIA agent who blew the whistle. Some want Obama to name a special prosecutor to go after the torturers and their bosses all the way up to Bush and Cheney.
Others don’t believe this will ever happen. Instead, they want the torturers exposed in a “truth and reconciliation” process that would pardon those who publicly admitted wrongdoing. This, they say, would at least establish that torture is wrong.
Both demands cover up the fundamental brutality of capitalism-imperialism and the fact that its “rule of law” is the capitalists’ bloody dictatorship over the masses. Understanding this truth makes it more urgent to broaden the discussion of how we, the masses, can build the International Communist Workers’ Party and prepare to rule the world.