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International Communist Workers Party | |
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EL SALVADOR—The International Communist Workers’ Party had our year-end meeting to evaluate the work that has been carried out, to highlight the successes and to consider the mistakes we have made in order to overcome them.
In addition, the meeting is a chance for the comrades and their families to have a good time. It’s not true that we communists don’t have fun or don’t think of recreation. Even though we don’t have blood ties, we are comrades and communist ideas unite us. This is an important aspect of the revolutionary struggle.
The meeting began with a report about the ICWP International Conference held in South Africa. This inspired the comrades to strengthen and plan the struggle for communism and to use new methods and tools to carry out ICWP’s political work in other areas.
A maquila worker said that this is how communist work should be carried out. We should distribute newspapers at factories, and universities and in our communities. Taking advantage of our workplaces to talk with other people about socioeconomic problems of the country can lead us to delve into the root of the problem which is the capitalist system. This worker said that, while waiting for medicine in a public hospital, he talked with another worker and they agreed to meet and talk more about communism.
Another comrade stressed that the work done in El Salvador’s free-trade zone served as an inspiration to other workers, in this case in South Africa. Now the experiences of workers in South Africa inspire us here. So we can see that every worker who struggles for communism and who writes about their struggle in Red Flag serves as an inspiration to other comrades in other parts of the world.
Later we spoke about correct and incorrect aspects of our political work, including leafleting in the factories, participating as a party in the May Day march, and the commitment to increase the distribution of Red Flag newspapers in this country in the new year.
To end the meeting, the comrades from the maquilas explained the problems they had at the year’s end, when for three weeks the bosses reduced garment production in their module. The bosses in this free trade zone are constantly attacking them, whether it is psychologically or causing division among the group of workers by accusing our comrades of being “rebellious.” The workers responded to these attacks with a strike. The unions left it up to the bosses to do whatever they wanted with this group of workers, showing that they are on the side of the capitalists. Another union simply blackmailed them, saying “If you affiliate, we can help you.”
The comrades were being treated this way because of the political work that they are carrying out in the factory: having meetings, and discussing and distributing Red Flag and the leaflets that expose the workers’ precarious labor situation.
To make the situation more morbid the bosses decided to give a lollipop to each worker for their efforts for the whole year. In another factory workers got a box with ten little candies. One comrade got fewer candies than the other workers in his module for being “rebellious.”
These insults to the workers’ dignity do nothing but help fan the flames of the struggle for communism and the organization of the masses of workers with the International Communist Workers’ Party at its head.
We ended the meeting with the sharing of gifts: baskets with essential items and a photograph of with comrades from the factories committed to the struggle for Communism posing with our newspaper Red Flag as a sign of joy and clarity in the work that is being done worldwide. Finally we enjoyed a walk to the port and ate rich seafood.