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International Communist Workers Party | |
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On December 22 the Nicaragua Canal Project began. It will be a transoceanic canal that will compete with the Panama Canal, which is run by Taiwanese bosses.
With an initial investment of $50 billion, the company Hong Kong Nicaragua Development (HKND) will be in charge of this huge five-year project. Its objective is a more efficient canal that will accommodate ships too large to transit the Panama Canal.
HKND says that this project will help to transport crude oil, iron and minerals from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to the Pacific more rapidly. This will give China a huge advantage. The canal and ports will also provide an opportunity for Chinese and Russian war ships to pass through and a base for refueling.
According to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, this canal project will create 250,000 jobs in the long term, including thousands of Chinese workers during construction. The project also includes two ports, roads, an oil pipeline, a free-trade zone, a new airport, and tourist centers.
This will certainly be a great engineering and multi-billion dollar project. But there is no free lunch for the working class. HKND will control the canal concession for 100 years. To get a return on their investment, they will force the workers to work under miserable conditions as wage slaves.
HKND is based in Hong Kong. Its owner is multi-millionaire Wang Jing, from China. This canal project worries the governments of Costa Rica, Panama and the US. They are not only concerned about its gigantic size but its contribution to China’s advance in Latin America. The Panamanian government predicts that when the canal is completed, traffic in the Panama Canal will decrease by 30%.
Masses in Motion against the Canal Must Fight for Communism
Thousands of farmworkers will lose their land and communities to the canal project. Many of them supported Ortega and the Sandinistas and received land after they took power in 1979. But now they see Ortega helping take this land away from them. Others who were in the base of the pro-US “Contras” are also rebelling for the same reason.
With the slogan “Chinese out of Nicaragua,” hundreds of Nicaraguans have opposed the project. Protesters have burned tires, clashed with the police, and some have been “disappeared” in these protests.
After the Sandinistas took power, the US organized and fully financed the “contras” to try to prevent the advance of “communism” (which was really state capitalism). Today, US imperialists will not stand idly by while the Chinese and Russian imperialists march into an area they consider their own “back yard.” In July 2014 an armed group came to light when it killed four Sandinistas. These armed groups expect the US to support them with arms and money. The US imperialists will use this reality to create an atmosphere of chaos inside Nicaragua.
We workers have nothing to gain by allying with any imperialist, whether US, Chinese or Russian. Our only alternative is to fight for a communist world.
Inter-Imperialist Struggle at the Door of the US
The contradiction between the Chinese and US bosses is sharpening. While the corrupt millionaire bank owner and pseudo-revolutionary Daniel Ortega continues opening doors to the Chinese capitalists-imperialists, the US is reacting as it often has done. The US bosses have financed “rebellions” in Venezuela, Syria, and the Ukraine. They would not hesitate to do so again.
Chinese capitalists are advancing in Central America. They are building hydroelectric projects in Honduras, stadiums and roads in Costa Rica, and certainly the biggest project, the Nicaragua Canal.
The contradiction among imperialists is sharpening more and more. There is no place on this planet that is escaping it. Unlike World Wars I and II, the coming world war will be fought all over the world, including in the western hemisphere.
New Opportunities to Build ICWP
The struggle against revisionism is continuous, and history is relentless and clear. The workers worldwide who once saw the Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega or Cuba as a beacon of hope against capitalism today can see clearly that socialism and national liberation are only varieties of the same capitalism. We must learn that the struggle must be directly for communism and nothing less.
Our goal is to grow internationally. Red Flag must reach everywhere that the working class is, including those working on the Nicaragua Canal. We must explain that there are no good bosses, that all of them are a scourge and that no matter whether they are Chinese, Russian, or US, we have to get rid of all of them.
When we organize communist urban and farm workers, communist students and soldiers, we are building our own canal to communism.