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International Communist Workers Party | |
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During the holiday season it has become a tradition to renew and revive contacts with friends around the world. Comrades mail messages expressing the urgent need to build the international communist movement lead by ICWP and a copy of Red Flag. This year an overwhelming response came from around the world.
A comrade in Tunisia was the first to mail a message of solidarity. He is a mass organizer of the Arab spring, spent a long time in prison and was sentenced to death. The comrade wrote, “One thing characterizes this long period of time: its horrors. The bloody regimes destroyed my life, body (I can’t walk the steps; I barely can walk etc..) but they were not able to destroy my mind. ...Even when I was isolated in order to be eliminated by a military squad. I lost all feeling to be afraid, and I was defiant. ..
“They forget one thing: when the oppressed poor masses are in motion, nothing can stop them. With great honor I received a copy of Red Flag from you six months ago and I can assure you that the masses in the Arab world are open to communist revolution.
“This is a fact: the waves of the Tunisian rebellion by the exploited and oppressed classes sent waves to every corner of the Arab word. It is the first rebellion which destroyed and continues to destroy any established regime. From Tunisia to start with and to finish with Yemen: the whole Arab situation is in a pre-revolutionary condition. I urge you to visit me in 2015 so we can make plans for Arabic Red Flag and to build ICWP. ”.
A message came from a comrade in Sweden. “Thanks for keeping us warm with a revolutionary newspaper Red Flag. We are heartened and encouraged by the analysis and struggles portrayed in the Red Flag. We need a radical change, world wide communist revolution. Cheers and happy new year to you, comrade.”
Numerous greetings were received in comrades in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nepal. A comrade in Pakistan related communalism (the termed used for racism in India and Pakistan) to the our article about the origin of racism. “I totally agree with the article. Racism and communalism can only be eliminated by communist revolution. Capitalism is in perpetual crisis in Pakistan, creating a ripe situation for revolution. I invite you to visit us.”
A young comrade in Indonesia speaks Korean and Arabic in addition to two Indonesian languages. After receiving the paper for over a year, as a new year’s resolution he promised to spreadour ideas in Korean.
Similarly, a scientist in Egypt wrote, “When I receive Red Flag, I discuss it with my friends but they do not read English. It would be very nice to receive some articles in either French or Arabic.”
A comrade in Nepal summarized the sentiments of many readers. He wrote, “when I read the paper, I feel good. It not only raises a voice in favor of the voiceless people but also teaches people how the imperialist system divides the people and exploits them. Red Flag’s latest news (Boeing workers in Seattle) was very heart touching. The Asian people see everything is good in the US . But reality is so opposite... When this article writes, it exposes the US hypocrisy. It is capitalism everywhere in the world. It touches my heart deeply when I see that black, white and other workers fight together for communism. I will spread these ideas of ICWP here in Nepal.”
A reader in the Philippines said, ‘Wow, I am glad to know ICWP from the pages of Red Flag. Revolutionary greetings.” The next day she said that she had talked to others about ICWP and fighting for communism.
Another reader in Arizona was excited to receive the Red Flag and she, too, distributed it to other workers at the rally to protest the Ferguson decision.
Readers in Philadelphia and Wisconsin used our articles on racism at various rallies. Several comrades in Colombia were very appreciative of the articles on the banana strike. The same article was used by the comrades in South Africa to explain that to fight racism we have to eliminate capitalism.
A group of readers in Brazil promised to expand their circle of Red Flag readers.