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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“It’s in ICWP where the interests of the working class can be realized.”
EL SALVADOR: The following letters were written by some of the more than 30 garment and farm workers, teachers and students who participated in a communist get-together to celebrate one more year of struggle and to make plans for 2015.
A group of 8 members who are workers from one of the garment factories in the free trade zone of El Salvador were present at the gathering in one of the most beautiful mountains of the country with other comrades from around the country. They discussed many important points about communist revolution and the organization of ICWP and Red Flag. We also went on a beautiful outing in an area famous from the civil war. We talked about the work in the factory. We also enjoyed where we stayed, which was a beautiful place surrounded by pine trees. Some had fun playing a game of soccer; others, with their children, enjoyed coffee with bread.
At the end of 2014, we traveled to the far north of the country where we met with members of ICWP to analyze the worldwide political-economic situation. We also talked about the national reality related to specific topics and problems of the workers in the maquilas. All of this took place in a cordial and friendly atmosphere with a collective that understands that only the mass of organized workers will have the opportunity to take on the building of a new, more just and equitable society for all.
At the end of December, we traveled to the mountains with the family to a beautiful place where we shared experiences and listened to the different opinions and thoughts of each one of the participants about how to carry out the communist revolution. We had a fine experience and at the same time made a commitment to contribute to the effort to see how we can make a difference, with the comrades of ICWP. In advance I thank you for the opportunity that you have given me and I humbly hope that I can contribute to this effort so that, as the comrades said, there will be a more just society.
As a worker in this collective of the Party, I have experienced a class identification. This means that in this activity I understand that it is within the Party where the interests of the working class are achievable and that the union betrays the working class. My opinion is heard. I say this comparing it to other structures like the union with which I am affiliated. I have participated in three activities of the Party. The third was very fruitful, since three comrades with whom I had made contact participated, and now they are members of this effort to carry forward communist revolution through the organization of the International Communist Workers’ Party.
The working class is international
Several weeks ago I was outside the country where I was born. I missed things in Mexico, but I remembered that the working class is international and this comforted me all the time. Anywhere is our home and we workers are class brothers and sisters.
There I worked temporarily in a hotel. I met people from different parts of Mexico, and other parts of the world. Language is a limit to initiate conversations, but not a barrier to broaden friendships.
The work day was from 8 to 10 hours, Monday to Saturday, sometimes even Sunday. In this work place, class divisions were very sharp. While those with high purchasing power calmly take in the sun in the swimming pools with their families, the immigrant workers and some who already have US residency work hard to survive in a country where the great fear is becoming unemployed and not be able to pay taxes. We workers drank high energy drinks to be able to endure the long shifts, even though they are bad for your health.
In this setting, I could not keep quiet and I called it a crime against humanity. While millions of people survive on less than a dollar a day and die from drug trafficking, hunger, poverty, war, etc., these people calmly relax, enjoying the wealth generated by our class.
I made my comments widely to relatives, friends and co-workers. Relatives and co-workers said it was not worth getting mad about, since it had always been like this. A military friend commented, “It’s better that they spend their money there than paying criminals.”
But that did not stop me. In several ways I tried several ways to get closer to co-workers to talk to them about Communism.
Talking with a young coworker, I said that the capitalist bosses attack us, and events like the murder of 43 normal school students in Mexico should not discourage us. Thousands of people die in the world from a system that condemns us to death.
I commented that as workers we must defend ourselves and I told him about the Russian revolution. I told him that Lenin, a communist leader in Russia, said that when a Party would respond to the needs of the working class, that such a Party could give leadership. He asked me what we propose to do. I told him about change through revolution, that we fight for a communist revolution where everyone receives according to their needs and contributes according to their ability. I told him that capitalism creates its own gravediggers and that we are those gravediggers. Workers of the world have no nation. Let’s unite in one Party, the International Communist Workers Party.
--Red Youth from Mexico